Chapter Five: Civilians in Peril

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As Jay was trying to conjure up an excuse for King and himself to leave that was amenable to the volatile man he gave an outward appearance of calm nonchalance.  It would not serve his interests to allow the Killer to glimpse the turmoil coursing through him. The onus of safeguarding eleven civilians was on him and him alone.  It was a duty he could have done without but as usual he didn't waste time lamenting the cruel twist of fate that had led the group to them.  The newcomers were blissfully unaware of the danger they had just exposed themselves to.  Most were busy enjoying refreshments as they rested up from their hiking endeavours and engaged in friendly banter. To his surprise the three children, aged between seven and ten by Jays' estimation, were engaged in a quiet game of marbles.  The choice of past-time seemed out of place in their surroundings.  Turning his attention back to King the Detective noted his nemesis had positioned himself at the entrance to the trail Murray had been directed to. Closer scrutiny of the mans' silhouette still did not yield any sign of a weapon and yet Jay was on high alert.  He had just decided to make his way over to Kings' position when a male voice beside him intervened.

"This is a wonderful place to take people hiking," a nondescript man aged fortysomething opined with a relaxed smile as he capped a bottle of water and tucked it into his backpack.
"One of the best," Jay agreed.
"Oh you're American!'
"Sure am."
"I'm from Toronto," the black haired man explained then gestured expansively towards the other members of his group, "we're all Canadian, most are from Toronto."
"Y'all picked a good place for a vacation," Jay put in even though in reality he wished they had chosen a different destination.
"Every year we pick a different location which has good hiking opportunities. Capilano is perfect with its' various trails. There are enough for people with little or vast experience."
"So you're not all experienced Hikers?" Kings' question although seemingly innocuous had Jay concerned.
"Well the kids aren't, obviously," the man explained easily before adding, "I'm Ben by the way. The adults all have some experience, in fact most are quite accomplished Hikers."
"Jay," the auburn haired man supplied since it was expected then added pointing a finger towards King, "that's Sam."
"You into hiking too?" the newly introduced man enquired then seemed to realise how forward he was being, "forgive me. I'm a Journalist so asking questions is second nature to me. Never know when to switch off."
"That's true!" a good looking blond woman in her mid thirties approached the pair with a fond smile.
"This is Dana, my ever suffering wife."
"Hi," Jay nodded as the woman stepped up beside her husband and placed a hand around his waist.
"I hope Ben isn't plaguing you with questions."
"Now would I do that?'
"Yes you would!" Dana countered in mock exasperation.
"Nah," Jay responded, "he's just been explaining how much y'all like hiking."

As he conversed with the friendly couple Jay kept a surreptitious gaze on King trying to gauge the mans' next move.  So far he seemed only slightly perturbed by the newcomers and Jay hoped he could lure him away before he became more irritated by the group.


RCMP Bureau

In the busy canteen Voight chose a table by the floor to ceiling window away from the densely populated tables.  Al sat down opposite his old friend with a knowing smile.

"You ready to bring our boy home?"
"Sure am," the Sergeant conceded softly, "but we go in too early and everything could go to hell."
"True," Al agreed as he stirred two sugar sachets into his black coffee.
"What do you think?"
"I think I'm glad you get paid the big bucks and not me."
"Okay, okay," the experienced Detective looked at his companion seeing the strain his job embedded in him, he hadn't been joking he really wouldn't like the responsibility Voight had, "I say we give him till nightfall ......,"
"That's a bit risky isn't it?"
"Isn't the whole thing?"
"Yeah," Voight sighed heavily.
"The Kid's smart enough to pull this off ....,"
"With someone like King there are a lot of other factors including his unpredictability."
"We've gone over the pros and cons of getting him to come in on his terms. It might be our only shot so we have to have faith."
"Faith? I have faith in Halstead but that's it," Voight noted in disgust, the whole investigation was giving rise to a melting pot of emotions, worry for their youngest Detective being the foremost concern.
"So when exactly are we going?" Al checked realizing time was running out as the skies dulled preparing for the onset of nightfall.

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