Chapter Fifty: Reading A Shocking Realisation

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Command Post

Voight had led his men along with Murphy and Parker, sans Mouse, out of the Surveillance Van to discuss the ongoing siege in some semblance of privacy as other personnel were also present in the van.  The Sergeant purposefully did not wish to broach the topic of Thompson openly and accordingly had sought time alone with the Unit and the Assistant Director and Psychologist.  Now as the group formed a loose circle in front of the two vans serving as the Command Post the Sergeant eyed the New Yorkers intently.

"Where are we with the Director?  Is he in or out?" Voight, as was his way, posed the frank question without any preamble.
"I don't think he's dirty," Murphy replied seriously, "but he's hedging his bets ....,"
"What does that mean?" Adam demanded impatiently.
"He's still not willing to have Billings named as the UnSub we're after and ....,"
"That's crazy!"
"Ruzek let the man finish," Voight ordered.
"Unless we can provide solid evidence he isn't willing to bring charges in relation to the murders," Murphy continued quietly after sending Adam an understanding look, he wasn't happy with the situation either.
"But he's willing to accept Billings is guilty here?" Antonio checked.
"Sure," Parker agreed before continuing with a rueful tone colouring his voice as he looked towards the various news vans and personnel, "he can't deny the man has taken Hostages.  It's headline news."

"For now shouldn't we be concentrating on the bank?" Al suggested pragmatically, the present situation needed immediate attention and the rest would have to be dealt with later.
"You're right," Voight sighed heavily, "the jewellery store and the book store have both been evacuated and fully checked."
"By the Bomb Squad?" Parker asked.
"Yes.  And according to the blueprints for the buildings there's no easy access point into either building from the bank."
"You were considering either premises as a means of escape?" Murphy frowned.
"Had to rule it out."
"So we're convinced now Billings is actually planning on getting away?" the Assistant Director checked.
"Everything seems to point to that."
"But we still don't have an answer to the main question," Al pointed out succinctly.
"What do you mean?" Adam eyed his former Partner.
"Why did Billings take Hostages at all?"
"Thought it related to his financial problems," Adam shrugged, "why else pick the bank where his Manager is?"
"Steven Milton," Antonio supplied the mans' name.
"Yet he hasn't shown any real interest in Milton," Parker pointed out.
"True. Billings isn't acting riled up enough for a man blaming someone for foreclosing on his properties," Al observed.
"But what other reason would he have for all this?" Kevin demanded in exasperation, they were no closer to obtaining answers.


Both Will and Conor had been relieved to be sitting together but that relief was tempered by the situation they were in. Neither had risked speaking lest attention be drawn to them.  Both men had been greatly disappointed when they couldn't speak to Jay once out of earshot of their Captor.  It meant they had no inkling what to do to help him and that weighed heavily on them.  The black haired Surgeon was concerned for his young friend, the strain he was under was no doubt compounded by their presence and for that he felt deep regret.  Beside him the redhead was berating himself mentally.  That Conor and himself were in the bank was obviously an added stress on his sibling which he did not need.  Will sighed.  If they could have spoken to Jay they might have ascertained what was really going on.  As it was he had no idea how to be of help to his younger brother and he knew instinctively Conor was grappling with the same realization.  They were as likely to prove a hindrance as a source of help to him and the gravity of that left Will feeling physically ill.

Jay eyed the Hostages surreptitiously, trying to gauge if anyone was going to panic and cause bedlam to unfold.  This was not a natural environment for Civilians to be in but there was some hope.  The former Ranger knew he could rely on Will and Conor to stay calm, their profession after all did not lend itself to hysteria.  He had no knowledge of the other Customers' backgrounds however and that worried him.    With Milton remaining calm Jay expected his Subordinates would take their lead from him and that at least was one good thing.  The source of unpredictability therefore mainly lay with the Customers.  Eyeing the pale features of the men and women he saw raw fear on display and it sickened him.  Someone striking terror into innocents was not something he would ever take lightly.  Billings had a lot to answer for!  Subconsciously holding his injured arm Jay contemplated his chances of gaining freedom for some more of the Captives before the man sought someone to make an 'example' of.

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