Chapter Twelve: Back in Chicago

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Mollys' Bar

Sitting at what had become one of their regular tables at the back of the popular bar three days later Adam, Kevin and Antonio sat nursing beers as they discussed the reason for their get together.

"It's to be expected," Antonio opined, referring to their absent friends' tacit withdrawal from the group.
"He's been through a lot," Kevin nodded in agreement, "I don't think he even realizes he's doing it."
"Pushing people away won't help him," Adam objected.
"He needs time," the Italian-American pointed out, there was no easy fix to the problem.
"King is dead that should be the end of it!" Adam stated crossly.
"It's not that simple," Kevin sighed, "we still don't know what set him onto Jay.  He was observing him when his old man came back into the picture.  Maybe even before that."
"I think Jay is blaming himself," Antonio offered seriously.
"For Kings' death?  He tried to stop him," Adam argued with a frown, if it was him he'd have left the guy die.
"No, he's blaming himself for Kings' Victims," Antonio noted insightfully.
"But that's daft!"
"Logically yes but Jay seems to think King did what he did to get to him so all those people ultimately died because of him and ....,"
"Now hang on a damn minute! That's ridiculous!" Adam cut in angrily.
"He's not saying we agree with it," Kevin pointed out patiently, "he's just stating what Jay believes.  It doesn't matter that it's totally skewed.  What matters is that Jay is blaming himself."
"Okay," Adam sent Antonio an apologetic look before continuing, "so how do we convince him King is the only one to blame?"
"That's the six million dollar question," Kevin explained unhappily.


In his apartment Jay was just after showering and was finishing dressing in a black jumper when a knock on the door surprised him.  He frowned.  He wasn't expecting anyone.  Will and Conor had agreed, albeit reluctantly, to give him some space after  he had satisfied both men he was physically fine.  Voight had readily agreed to his request for a few vacation days and he had informed the team  he would see them when back at work.  Although be had seen the worried glances exchanged at this declaration everyone accepted it.  Now eyeing the door he sighed as another knock sounded.  He debated not answering since no one would know he was there but then a familiar and unexpected voice spoke.

"Jay, it's me Sam.  You haven't responded to my texts so I just wanted to check in with you."
"Just a second!" the Detective grabbed his jacket and headed for the door determined to cut the visit short, he was in no mood for company especially from the well meaning Psychologist who could probably read him too well.
"Thought you were avoiding me," Sam chided when the door opened, "you on the way out?"
"Yep," Jay stepped out into the hallway pulling the door closed behind him, "sorry I'm running late.  Wasn't expecting company."
"So where are you headed?" Sam checked as he stepped up to keep pace with the other man as he headed for the staircase.
"You want something Doc?" Jay stopped and eyed his companion, he didn't feel obligated to offer any explanation of where he was going.
"Dropped by the station.  Sergeant Voight informed me you had some time off.  Thought maybe we could catch up.  It's been a while."
"Been busy," Jay frowned, unsure of the mans' intentions.
"Well Sandy was hoping you might be free Friday night.  It's our tenth wedding anniversary and she wants to celebrate."
"How's Mikey doing?" Jays' expression softened as he thought of the likeable toddler whom had taken a liking to him of all people.
"He's okay, still silent but we're always hoping," Sam admitted, "so what do you say? Am I going out with my lovely wife on Friday night or not?"
"Sure Doc," the weary man nodded, he didn't really feel like babysitting but felt he had no choice but to agree.

Sam smiled inwardly.  The babysitting request had been a last ditch effort to spend some time with the former Sniper to whom he owed his life.  He knew he could never repay the debt he owed the other man but he was bound and determined to help him in any way he could.  He had seen the news reports about the King case and gleaned some further details from Voight , albeit sparse, which had not made it into the public domain so he knew Jay was wrestling with some things.  Of course in his efforts to help the Detective he needed to resort to desperate measures.  His anniversary had been a month ago but they had not celebrated by going out so Sandy would gladly go along with the ruse.  Besides she had stated on many occasions she also felt a duty to repay Jay for saving her future husband.

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