Chapter Twenty: Unwelcome Lead

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Despite his outwardly calm response to the telephone call Jays' mind was reeling as he made his way back to his desk.  Thoughts of taking off appealed to him but he knew he owed it to the Sergeant not to go off the radar again, especially so soon after the Adams' situation.   He was just sitting down when Adam, Kevin and Antonio emerged from the back hallway just as Mouse erupted into the open plan office.

"What do you mean?" the IT Specialist advanced on his friends' desk, totally focused on his fellow ex-Ranger to the exclusion of his surroundings.
"What's going on?" Adam queried as he sank into his chair, Mouse for once was looking decidedly animated.
"Ah .....," the IT Specialist stumbled, finally taking note of the others.
"I got a phone call," Jay saved Mouse from his embarrassment with a casual shrug before elaborating softly, "apparently from my old man."
"What?!" a new voice demanded as Voight ascended the final step of the stairs with Al on his heels.
"Sarge it was just a recording," Jay noted.
"Didn't think your old man had circumvented death," the Sergeant acknowledged unhappily, "what exactly was said?"
"Nothing of consequence."
"I beg to differ," Voight walked over to stand in front of his youngest Detectives' desk as Mouse eased back from a likely confrontation.
"Me too," Al nodded stepping up beside his oldest friend.
"Jay?" Adam looked over at the reticent man, a plea clear in his tone.
"The recording simply said 'remember you'll always be worthless'," Jay finally revealed.
"Damn!" Antonio slammed a fist down on the nearest desk in fury, was there ever going to be an end to his friends' torment?!
"No point getting upset," Jay quickly noted.
"Can't believe you're so nonchalant about it!" Adam protested.
"Nonchalant?" Kevin eyed Adam in surprise at his choice of wording, relieved for an opportunity to break the tension.
"What? I read you know!"
"Always suspected you did," the bearded man acknowledged seriously before a grin burgeoned, "just figured it was comic books."
"Oh har har!"
"Kids!" Voights' stern voice broke up the teasing.
"Sorry Sarge," Adam shrugged in apology but not before receiving a wink from Jay.
"Yeah," Kevin nodded, "sorry."
"Can we get back to work?" Al questioned innocently.
"Is that all the recording said?" Voight checked for full disclosure, this was deeply personal for the younger man and he couldn't blame him for wanting to avoid the whole discussion but he couldn't let that happen.
"Word for word."
"So was King behind it or is it someone from Jays' childhood again?" Antonio reluctantly asked what they were all avoiding.
"That's the six million dollar question," Jay stated.
"Be a hell of a coincidence if King and your old man both organized for you to hear recordings around the same time," Kevin concluded sceptically, he didn't believe in coincidences.
"We need yo speak to Parker," Voight directed as he eyed the too pale features of the man before him, "you want to do it here or at my place?"
"Might as well do it here," Jay decided, grateful for the choice but he had no intention of returning to the Voight residence.
"I'll call him," Al offered and headed off as he retrieved his cell from a pocket.

Voight eyed each of the other Unit members in turn who silently accepted his non verbal command to give him a moment with the beleaguered Detective.

"You up for this?" the Sergeant asked once the pair were ostensibly alone when the others drifted off to their own desks.
"Yes Sarge."
"Would you tell me if you weren't?"
"Parker tell you anything about my old man?" Jay changed the subject rather than replying.
"I figured you'd want to speak to him first," Voight admitted, graciously accepting the diversion.
"Might as well do it with everyone present.  No point in going over it twice."
"You sure?" the older man wondered about the decision, it seemed  contrary to the Detectives' prior reluctance to bring up the matter with the visiting Psychologist.
"I'm sure."

Jay was well aware he was sending mixed signals but that was hardly surprising considering his thoughts and emotions were all over the place.  His fathers' harsh voice still reverberated in his mind, a cruel taunt from childhood had once again come to life.

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