Chapter Fifty-Seven: Mind Games

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When Jay had removed his hand besmirched with blood from his injured head Conor knew he had to act fast or Will would volunteer to give aid.  Whatever about the Surgeon interacting with their Captor the black haired man knew Jay would be even more worried if his brother did so.  With that in mind he had quickly risen to his feet tossing a glare towards the redhead in the process to forestall any protest.  This was no time for arguing.  As he advanced towards the two men he wondered if he was going to make matters worse or better for his friend but the injury clearly required treatment.  He had to hope his intercession with an offer of assistance was seen as nothing more than a medical professional doing what he could to give first aid.

For his part Jay struggled to reign in the worry and anger battling it out for supremacy within his tortured skull.  He did not want Conor in the middle of this! What was he thinking?!

"You seem to be mistaken," Billings rose and eyed the man before him intently, "his health is of no concern to you ...,"
"It is to you though," Conor countered levelly, "killing the Manager is one thing killing a Cop is another thing entirely."
"He's alive."
"That head injury needs to be treated.  It could lead to serious complications."
"Detective Halstead has a hard head," Billings stated derisively as he dismissed the Surgeons' words.
"I'm fine," Jay insisted as he tried to force strength into his voice, he wanted the Surgeon away from the unstable man.
"He probably requires stitches," Conor ignored his friends' statement and despite the circumstances  resisted the urge to roll his eyes at the all too familiar refrain.
"Stitches?  Maybe you have a point," Billings noted as he seemed to contemplate the matter, "but there are no supplies."
"Bound to be a First Aid Kit at least," Conor wondered about the apparent change of heart but wasn't about to question it if he got his friend some help.

Will sat listening to the conversation along with the remaining seated Hostages.  Although initially he had been fuming at Conor for stealing his opportunity to help Jay when rational thought kicked in he had realized for his siblings' sake it had been the right move.  Like Conor however he too was now querying their Captors' about turn in agreeing to give his sibling medical aid.  He frowned sensing there was something sinister lurking within the decision but he could not imagine what it was. 

Command Post

The Unit, sans Mouse, had congregated outside the Surveillance Van again to discuss tactics.  The IT Specialist, as ever, had remained in his position.  Murphy and Parker stood with the highly relieved group.  For a time there it had seemed all was lost.  The relief that swept through the men however was soon waylaid by the reality that the young Detective was still in danger along with the Hostages.

"We need to end this," Adam was quick to deliver his verdict on the current situation.
"Ruzek we can't go in hot headed," Voight pointed out firmly but patiently before adding without rancour, "or have you forgotten about the explosives?"
"No Sarge but ...,"
"Let's come up with some ideas," Al cut in putting an end to his former Partners' argument knowing it wouldn't get them anywhere, "we owe it to everyone in there to do this right."

Adam had the grace to look sheepish at the unspoken rebuke from the older man.  It wasn't that Adam was unconcerned about the Hostages, especially Will and Conor, but his priority was Jay.  Of course that would in fact put him into conflict with his best friend who would put his own safety last.  Adam sighed heavily.  It was all well and good for the green eyed man to willingly defend others at risk to his own life but it was wearing on his nerves.  It was a wonder he had any hair left!

One Block South

Joe Masters had been brought up to speed by the HS Assistant Director and the abrupt Sergeant from Chicago.  The presence of the Chicago man sparked curiosity in the Bomb Disposal expert  but he didn't waste time asking questions.  Mindful they were supposed to be gas company personnel he had not spent too much time with the LEOs.  He would communicate via cell for the remainder of the operation until it was time to deal with the bomb.  With that in mind the Bomb Squad had retreated from the vicinity of the siege.  Normally being so far away from a possible bomb would have been a non starter.  Without access to whatever explosive device was being used after all they could not defuse same.  In this instance however Masters had been advised that although the location of the bomb was known there was no way of accessing it for the time being.   The veteran bomb disposal man was not happy about the current situation.  The fact that they had to stay away from the target location in itself rankled him but that was compounded by the knowledge there had been no actual sighting of the bomb.  He recalled the casual manner in which Voight had disclosed that particular detail.  Masters had asked for a basic rundown on the bomb they would be disarming and the Sergeant had stated simply that they were not sure. Frowning  Masters had pressed the issue when nothing else was forthcoming and been informed that one of the Sergeants' men, a Detective on the inside, had told them the bomb was in a large flower pot.  The tall, bearded man had rubbed his chin thoughtfully upon learning this.  It bespoke of a deep trust in the Detective in question but Masters was not happy that the Cops seemed to be placing all their faith in the mans' information even though he had not been able to offer visual confirmation of the device.  Now essentially sidelined he wondered if the Hostages were going to pay the price if the Detective was wrong.  He sincerely hoped not.

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