Chapter Thirty-Six: A Brief Education

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Although Murphy had confirmed after his telephone conversation that he had arranged for an expert to talk Jay through the rudimentary rules of wine collecting he was not willing to divulge his source until later that night.  He had agreed to bring the  Sommelier to the hotel where the Unit was staying.  Jay had been slightly perplexed by the older mans' apparent reticence to identify the person in question but Voight, as ever, had been vocally unhappy about being kept in the dark.  When pressed the Assistant Director had merely stated all would be revealed.  The other men had wisely decided not to comment since it was clear the Sergeant was close to boiling point and no one wanted the honour of sending him over the edge!   Now as the Unit congregated in Voights' suite waiting for Murphy to arrive with the mystery guest Adam pulled Jay aside with a query.

"Why is all this necessary?  Why do you need to know about wine?"
"Well wearing a camera is out so I need to get up close and personal with the wine collection," the green eyed man explained around a yawn, his two hour rest had thankfully dispatched the looming headache but he still felt exhausted.
"You reckon Billings will be open to showing it to you?" Adam frowned.
"From what we know about him he's a Narcissist and he'll be eager to show off his prized collection especially if he thinks it will make me envy him."
"Isn't he going to think it's odd you showing an interest.  I mean you're meant to be on the job investigating the bombings and possible blackmail attempts," Kevin joined in after overhearing their conversation.
"I'm guessing his ego will override any doubts," the auburn haired man explained, he had discussed this with Parker.
"But if he's the UnSub isn't he going to be suspicious?" Adam pressed, he wasn't enamoured with the plan.
"Like I said his ego should sway his thinking."
"You hope," Adam asserted.
"I hope," Jay nodded, he knew there were no certainties.

A knock on the door had Al quickly opening it to reveal Murphy, Parker and a tall brunette fringed lady standing behind the pair.  Motioning the Visitors in everyone looked to the Assistant Director for introductions.  Murphy complied with a wide smile as he pointed to the pretty looking woman wearing a grey pinstripe business suit which was softened by a baby pink blouse underneath. 

"Guys I'd like you all to meet Ms. Janet Benedict, Sommelier extraordinaire and .... wife in a million."
"Wife? Adam looked at Murphy in surprise, his shock mirrored in the faces around the room, the classy looking lady in question did not seem to match the somewhat untidy looking man.
"Gentlemen.  Please call me Janet," the aforementioned woman stepped forward confidently and offered her hand to each man giving a firm shake, "I understand you're seeking knowledge about wine collecting."
"Yes," Voight nodded as he gestured towards the chair closest to Jay, "please take a seat.  Detective Halstead could do with a crash course."
"Jay," the man in question easily corrected as the Sommelier sat down gracefully.
"Well there's much to learn," Janet eyed the other occupants of the room in curiosity, "are you all here to be educated?"
"Figured we might as well learn something," Voight declared ruefully as the others all sat down.
"Well as Teachers go Janet only has one rule," Murphy cautioned with a twinkle in his eye.
"What's that?" Adam took the bait.
"You listen when she talks."

The others exchanged looks.  That seemed obvious.  It was clear the tall woman had a commanding presence and they doubted she suffered fools lightly.  Al wondered how long it would take for Adam to test her patience.  This was going to be interesting.

For his part Murphy was pleased his wife had agreed to help.  Their professional lives had never before crossed paths so this was a first.  He had observed the mens' reaction to Janet on arrival.  In truth it was one he often encountered.  He could understand how on the outside it might look like the couple were mismatched but their differences had in fact cemented their friendship and later their enduring love.  Now as he waited for her to show her expertise he couldn't hide his pride.  He was a lucky man indeed.

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