Chapter Forty-One: Unwanted Distraction

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Travelling in the lead SUV Voight sat shotgun as Al drove.  The moustached man had insisted on driving after his friend informed him of the unexpected Visitors awaiting them at the hotel.  As Al had argued as he snatched the keys his old friend in charge of a lethal weapon in the form of a vehicle right now was not a wise move.   To say the Sergeant was livid was an understatement.  The vein on his forehead was throbbing in time with his heartbeat.  That Will had yet again seen fit to impose himself on his younger brother during an investigation was beyond unreasonable.  They had dealt with the elder Halsteads' over protective actions before but Voight had genuinely thought the man had learnt his lesson  about respecting his brothers' wishes after the last debacle.  Clearly he had not.  Although the primary emotion he was feeling was anger concern was also vying for attention.  This was the last distraction his youngest Detective needed.  He thought back to the brief conversation with the younger man in the underground car park.  He hadn't been entirely sure what reaction the news he imparted would engender but the simple shoulder shrug of quiet acceptance did not ease his mind.  The young man had to be upset but he was clearly keeping a tight reign on his emotions.  Glancing  in the side mirror he looked at the SUV on their tail somewhat relieved not to be a passenger in the vehicle.  He wasn't sure what words he could have used in the situation and suspected his men were not deep in conversation.

As Voight anticipated the men in the second vehicle rode in silence.  Like the Sergeant the other Unit members, with the notable exception of Jay, were openly fuming.  In fact Mouse was so incensed as a result of the latest infraction by the redhead that he had told his former Lieutenant in no uncertain terms he would  have a word with him and set him straight.  Adam had added his support to that suggestion quite eagerly.  It was about time they set Will straight once and for all, no more pussyfooting around! Antonio and Kevin in the front seats had exchanged worried glances at this exchange noting that one voice, the most important one of all, was silent.  The Italian-American turned on the indicator to switch lanes as he followed Als' trail back to the hotel and wondered vaguely if the mood was any better in the other vehicle.  He doubted it.  The investigation itself was of such a serious  nature they were all under duress but Thompsons' focus on Jay had compounded matters.  The unexpected visit from Will was really not welcome at this juncture.  He took a quick glance at Jay in the rearview mirror as the younger man looked out the window vacantly and it struck him that ultimately only the Auburn haired man could reign in his brother.  Problem was Jay had so much on his plate right now Antonio feared the upcoming reunion might simply be too much.  For his part Kevin sat in the passenger seat listening to Mouse and Adam vent about Wills' arrival and although he full agreed with and understood their anger he also realized said anger wasn't helping their friend.  With that in mind he put his fingers to his lips and whistled loudly before turning around to face the back seat.

"Guys! Quit it!"
"What?" Adam asked baffled.
"Stop giving out about Will.  It's not helping," Kevin shot a surreptitious look towards the one eerily silent passenger "it's a matter for Jay to handle and only him."
"You going to tell Sarge that?" Adam countered.
"Hell no!"
"Didn't think so," Adam stated with mock smugness as he dialled down his anger knowing the words were accurate and mentally kicking himself for venting in front of his best friend.
"So what are we supposed to do?" the IT Specialist was not so easily dissuaded from tackling Will.
"It's my problem," Jays' quiet but resolute voice cut in finally as he tore his gaze from the passing outside world, "Will is my problem.  I'll handle it."
"You shouldn't have to!" Mouse declared vehemently, he knew his fellow ex-Ranger would be too lenient.
"Jay has spoken," Kevin put in firmly from the front seat as he turned in his seat to face forward once more, he shared Mouses' concern but ultimately the issue was between the siblings.

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