Chapter Seventeen: Sacrifice

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Another two hours passed before Holmes called an end to the debriefing which at times had become heated on his part when the young Detective being questioned was not willing to elaborate on his actions despite being pressed. All Jay had willingly stated was that he went along with the dead mans' instructions hoping he would be instructed to stop in time. He refused to offer up any explanation as to how he knew or anticipated the shooting would be cancelled other than to say they knew King was a master of manipulation and doing the unexpected and calling off the assassination at the last minute seemed to fit his modus operandi. Jay watched the FBI Agents leave the Interview Room all wearing frustrated expressions. Looking towards the two way mirror he waited for Voight to appear. He didn't have long to wait. The Sergeant wasted no time talking to the Visitors. Instead he strode into the room with Al on his heels.

"Halstead," Voight looked at his Subordinate and for the first time saw what his old friend had been telling him, the man before him looked familiar but he was a stranger in an unidentifiable way, his eyes not registering any congenial familiarity.
"Well at least the FBI is finished with you," Al decided to break the ice as his companions continued to stare at each other.
"For now," the young man added, referring to Holmes' parting words that they would need to talk to him again.
"I'll deal with it," Voight stated as he glanced at his watch, "think it's time to get something to eat. We'll head out early."
"But ....," Jay was puzzled, he had expected a grilling not to mention a dressing down from his Superior.
"Best not look a gift horse in the eye," Al ruefully offered and motioned for the confused man to get to his feet, "let's get moving before the Old Guy changes his mind."
"I'm only a few months older than you!" Voight played along with the banter, knowing his old friend was trying to get his fellow ex-Sniper to wind down.
"So? You're still older."

Voight knew he had to thread carefully. He also recalled this wasn't the first time he had seen Jay in 'Sniper Mode'. It saddened the older man that the embattled Detective had been pushed back into his former life by Kings' cruel machinations. It didn't matter that Jay didn't take the shot. He had to assume his former role to convince whoever was watching that he had every intention of going through with the deadly instructions. The truth was Voight greatly admired the former Rangers' willingness to sacrifice his career and protect the Unit by acting on his own but that admiration did not negate the anger he also felt. The younger man should not have placed such a burden on himself yet he had done so willingly. Conflicting emotions warred for control within him yet Voight knew this wasn't the time or place for a proper discussion. He resolved however to ensure the selfless Detective understood that he would not tolerate any more acts of sacrifice, however well meaning. The Sergeant had a duty to safeguard his team and that included the former Ranger.

Mollys Bar

After a long shift Will and Nat had decided to go out for a quiet drink at the popular venue in Bucktown. The redhead had been on tender hooks ever since his troubling conversation with his sibling. The short phone call earlier from Adam, at Jays' bidding, had served to put his mind at ease somewhat but he was left with many unanswered questions. All Adam had told him, when pressed, was Jay had managed to outwit King and did not have to shoot anyone. The relief had been tangible but same was immediately overtaken by concern. The Detective had quickly explained why he was making the call and not his brother. Jay was tied up with the FBI. Deciding that for the time being he'd just be grateful for Jays' safety Will had thanked Adam and requested him to inform Jay he wanted to speak to him when be was free.

Now sitting at a table with Nat Will nursed a beer and reflected on the incredible bad fortune which seemed to plague his sibling. The amount of trouble Jay had been forced to deal with, both personally and professionally, was off the charts! Everyone went through bad times, the medical professional saw that day in and day out in his job, but it seemed Jay was destined to have a larger share of misfortune than anyone he had ever cone across and that angered the redhead no end! Of all people Jay was the least deserving of trouble constantly plaguing him. Yet somehow the younger man managed to be and remain a man of stoic tolerance who refrained from turning bitter at the unfairness hoisted upon him from so many quarters. If he was being honest Will knew if he had been in his brothers' shoes he would have given into his baser instincts and retaliated against anyone who riled him. Then again he was the one with the red hair as Jay had mischievously reminded him growing up. His sibling had claimed having his mothers' auburn hair ensured he wasn't quick to anger, unlike his older brother. Thinking back to those teasing times Will yearned for a magic wand to erase all the hurt Jay had experienced. He knew if he lived to be a hundred his sibling would never share the full story of their old mans' depraved actions just as he would never elaborate on his Ranger and Sniper missions that provided anguish to the present day which Jay would never comment on. Nat looked across at her partner wishing there was something she could say to ease his worry.

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