Chapter Sixty: Unexpected

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Command Post

With decades of law enforcement experience amassed between the Unit members and the other personnel listening it took something truly out of the ordinary to shock them.  In uttering his plan to use Jay to fulfill his lethal intentions Billings had managed to do just that.  Stunned an eerie silence had descended.  Words for the latest twist seemed grossly inadequate.  Mouse, upon hearing the statement, had exited the Surveillance Van and joined the Unit as Murphy and Parker stood with them wanting to show some sign of solidarity.  The IT Specialist seemed to have become even more animated as his nervous energy sought an outlet.  If he was honest Adam wasn't sure what to feel.  He was alternating between anger and dismay while being overwhelmed with a deep sense of guilt.  They should never have let Jay walk into  the bank! Whereas before they had been bemoaning the lack of answers for Billings' actions today now they longed for their earlier ignorance.
The man had finally revealed the true reason for the siege and Jay was at the core of said reason.  Antonio and Kevin were also battling for control of their emotions.  It was beyond unfair that Billings intended to use Jay as a pawn.

Voight rubbed his eyes tiredly before catching Als' gaze.  Well things while bad before had now gone south spectacularly!  No one could have foreseen this development.  The Sergeant wondered what a nine to five office job looked like.  It definitely had to be less stressful.  Pushing such wistful thoughts aside Voight finally breached the suffocating silence.

"If he expects Halstead to leave the bank he's settling in for the night.  Where are we in getting visual access?"
"No joy Sarge," Mouse reluctantly explained, "the system has been shut down permanently with a virus."
"At least we have audio," Kevin pointed out.
"Sarge?" Adam eyed Voight carefully, "you're not going to let Jay do this are you?"
"We need to know the target then decide how to proceed."
"We go in now," Adam declared, waiting only played into whatever plans Billings had.
"We wait," Al countered softly, "Billings has taken a lot of trouble to set this up.  We need to find out what exactly he hopes to achieve."
"He wants Jay to kill someone! That's what he hopes to achieve!" Adams' raised voice brought heads turning in their direction.
"Ruzek," the Sergeants' one word held a note of warning, "you need to focus on the job which is making sure the remaining  Hostages get out alive."
"Yes Sarge," Adam had the grace to look chagrined, he hadn't meant to question the older mans' authority.
"We'll make sure Jay gets out of this alive also," Al stated confidently as he placed a comforting hand on his former partners' shoulder before adding with a wink, "besides you know how crotchety Voight gets if he doesn't get his way.  We'd never hear the end of it!"

Adam huffed out a rueful chuckle despite the worry gnawing at his gut.  Deep down he knew Voight was just as concerned as he was but being in charge the other man didn't have the luxury of being able to voice his concerns so openly.


The surprise had left Jay and now he was curious as to who he was supposed to target and how exactly he was expected to carry out the dastardly deed.  He again thanked his lucky stars the listening device at least meant the others were kept appraised of developments.   He could imagine the reaction of his friends, especially Adam who wasn't exactly Mr. Calm.  Even as he thought of his best friend Jay couldn't resist the urge to glance over towards Will and Conor.  He regretted the action immediately.  The look of worry on their features was impossible to misinterpret and he wanted to tell the pair to get their act together.  Now was a time for cool heads.  The last thing they needed was Billings questioning their strong reactions.  The other Hostages although clearly taken aback by the Killers' words were not overly distressed.  Will and Conor needed to follow their example or things could get even more deadly.  Sending Conor a brief but intense look the Detective willed the Surgeon to  understand what he wanted.

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