Chapter Three: An End In Sight

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Capilano Hiking Trail -

Jay surreptitiously checked their surroundings and his relief was almost tangible when he confirmed they still appeared to be the only people in the vicinity. Parker had warned him about being too forceful but also about being too complacent. The experienced Psychologist and Profiler had imparted his caveat with a rueful expression. After all the Detective was being given an impossible task that needed careful handling and his warning must have seemed contradictory at the very least. Jay recalled the advice he had been given knowing he had to thread carefully while maintaining control without it being overtly obvious. Simple really he chided himself mentally! He wasn't going to second guess this plan, it was too late for that. All he could do was rely on his instincts and hope he was able to outmaneover his companion in such a way that the man thought he was still controlling the game.

"You chose to come back to Canada because you're tired of running."
"You know that for sure do you?" Kings' tone was laced with derision, clearly this meeting was not going as he had envisaged.
"You're an intelligent man. Stands to reason you'd know when to end things."
"You think buttering me up will help you?"
"Firstly I'm not trying to boost your ego," Jay stated firmly, keeping his intense gaze fixed on his companion, "I stated a fact .... or are you disputing your intelligence?"
"Well no ........ but ....,"
"So like I said as an intelligent man you know it's time to quit."
"Quit what? Life?"
"Quit playing your games and stealing peoples' lives," Jay spoke plainly and bluntly but without the fury he truly wanted to give vent to.
"So that's what I am? A Thief?" Kings' statement was tinged with equal parts surprise and displeasure, his actions had been grossly downplayed!
"You've stolen lives consistently since you lost your fortune so yes you're a Thief," Jay pointed out as he decided now was the time to divulge some of what they had learned in the hope it would serve to rattle the other man.
"Not a Murderer first?"
"You seem to crave the title," the Detective pointed out with a shrug before continuing now that he knew he was getting under Kings' skin, "so yes you're a Murderer ............ and a Thief."
"What do you think you know about my fortune?"
"Just that you lost it through the less than stellar actions of Bart Wilkes. What I don't know is exactly how much you lost."
"It doesn't matter!" a hint of anger had crept into Kings'voice for the first time, betraying his true feelings on the situation he had been plunged into.
"Clearly it does matter to you, greatly. You've murdered people because it matters."
"That's your theory."
"Am I wrong?" Jay asked although the real question he longed to ask was why even years ago King had used his name to trade under.
"Yes ....... and no."
"Hell be decisive either way!"
"What Wilkes did was ......... unconcsienable ..... definitely .......... but it wasn't the only reason I did what I did."
"Losing a fortune at someone elses' hand could push many people to murder."
"You obsolving me of guilt?" the cold blooded Killer scoffed in a huff.
"Not at all. You can never repay what you took from your Victims' families."
"Don't you mean our Victims' families? Or have you forgotten some died thinking you were their Killer," the evil glint that flickered in the mans' eyes gave the Chicago man a glimpse of the depth of evil dwelling within his companion and it was all he could do not to outwardly shiver as a chill ran up his spine.

Jay had known Killers before, men mostly, who harboured murderous thoughts without compunction and was well versed in the true meaning of bad but what he had seen in the man with him took evil to a level he had, thankfully, never before encountered. He had managed to maintain his stoic appearance when the role he had unknowingly played in some of the murders was brought up but the urge to throttle the man had momentarily crossed his mind only to be promptly banished. His friends and colleagues had been right. So was he. King was trying to taunt him .... the auburn haired man just wasn't sure yet if that was an effort to goad him into lethal action or if his nemesis, who was obviously unsettled, was merely trying to gain the upper hand in the conversation. He was about to honestly comment on the subject of his confusion when a twig breaking underfoot caused him to quickly turn around to face whoever had stumbled onto there location .....

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