Chapter Forty-Eight: A Captivating Encounter

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An hour later found Jay being admitted into the besieged bank by a trembling thirtysomething woman.  Her jitters were explained by the rifle pointed at her head by Billings who stood back from the entrance ensuring a Sniper did not find his target.   Once the woman had been directed back to her place with the other Hostages after securing the door once again Billings eyed the newcomer disdainfully.

"You armed?"
"No," Jay held his arms away from his body to emphasise the point.
"So what was so important you had to come in here?"
"Figured you'd have to talk to someone eventually so it might as well be me," Jay explained evenly, surprised the other man had simply taken his word about being unarmed.
"Cops from Chicago sure do cover a lot of ground.  Thought you'd be busy on your other investigation."
"I just go where I'm told."
"Or perhaps you believe there's some overlapping of cases?"

Jay had not expected the other man to address the killings so readily, especially in front of witnesses.  It was another sign that he intended to end things here and that the Hostages were in grave danger.  Keenly aware of the tiny listening device in his sleeve Jay surreptitiously glanced around, without moving his head, seeking a suitable location.  His eyes briefly met his brothers and Conors but he gave no hint of recognition and sighed internally in relief when neither man reacted to his presence. Mouse had advised him that he would have audio even while the device was in his pullover but it would be too risky to leave it there in case Billings decided the young Detective was no longer welcome.

For their parts Will and Conor were struggling to hide their concern. Having convinced themselves it was unlikely Jay would be involved when he entered their hopes crashed and burned before their eyes. The reference to 'overlapping' of cases caused Wills' gut to twist.  Conor hid a grimace.  Could their Captor be the Serial Killer who had ultimately drawn Jay to New York?  He didn't want to contemplate the possibility but it clearly made sense.  The Surgeon wondered why Voight had allowed Jay to enter the bank but then again he wouldn't know Will and himself were inside.  That was going to be an interesting conversation with the Sergeant, assuming they got out of the situation in one piece.

"So do you have a Suspect in the case?"
"I'm not at liberty to discuss the investigation," Jay opted for a somewhat vague response as he tried to gauge the mans' intentions.
"Yet you called to my residence not once but twice," Billings reminded casually as he looked over at the people on the ground dispassionately.
"I explained the reason for my second visit.  Follow up inquiries are part of any investigation."
"Do you really believe I am capable of doing those things?" the older man ignored the reply and asked a question instead.
"You have not been charged .....,"
"No but you are working to prove my guilt are you not?"
"I'm just doing my job," Jay didn't confirm or deny the mans' statement as he wiped imaginary sweat from his brow, "is it okay if I take my pullover off?  This place is too warm."
"Feel free but don't try anything."
"Thanks," the Detective shrugged off the top mindful of the device and casually went to place it on the nearest desk when it began to fall to the ground, as he had planned, allowing him to perform a quick slight of hand and transfer the magnetic device to the back of a picture frame atop the desk.

Communications Van

If Voight had a dime for every time Adam paced up and down the length of the communications' van he could retire easily! With a sigh he looked at the young Detective and spoke quietly but firmly.

"Ruzek wearing a hole in the floor won't achieve anything."
"Sorry Sarge," Adam forced his feet to still and sat down beside Antonio who accepted a ten dollar note from Kevin with a smug grin.
"What's that for?"
"We took bets on how long it would be before Sarge decided he had enough of your pacing," the Italian-American admitted unabashedly.
"I'd have wagered long before now," Adam noted with a shake of his head, the innocent betting was merely a ploy to ease the tension.
"Any word from Thompson?" Al got back to more serious matters as he eyed the Assistant Director who sat beside Voight holding a hot coffee.
"No," Murphy replied unhappily before testing the temperature of his drink, "which could be either good or bad."
"What does that mean?" Kevin asked with misgiving.
"Well he's either letting us run this without interference because he's satisfied there will be a successful outcome or he's
distancing himself in case everything goes to hell."
"He give you any directions regarding Billings?" Voight checked, after all the Director had already tried to shield the man to some extent.
"No.  He wants this sorted as expeditiously as possible by any means necessary ...,"
"He encourage lethal force?" Al sought clarification.
"Not exactly," Murphy thought back on the heated conversation with his Superior, "but he made it clear the matter needed to be dealt with quickly."
"Easy for him to say!" Antonio shook his head in disgust.

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