Chapter Fourteen: Preparing For The Unknown

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New York FBI Headquarters

Parker looked across his cluttered desk at his friend and sighed, tossing yet another notebook aside.

"Hell John there's nothing here that tells us why King was so fixated on Jay!"
"We knew it was a longshot," the Assistant Director reminded, "what do you make of King and Halstead Senior?"
"Hard to know. We don't have all the facts," the Psychologist and Profiler pointed out unhappily, Voights' call had been informative but it was obvious there was more to the story of Jays' father than the Sergeant was willing to divulge.
"You think it was King who made the initial contact?"
"Highly likely given he had Jay under surveillance for a lengthy period of time before he began gaining attention here but why would he make that connection? I mean he could have contacted Jays' brother but he didn't."
"Maybe the fact the guy had a terminal illness attracted King," Murphy suggested, he too was aware they did not have the full picture which hindered them.
"We're nowhere in finding out why King sought out ill people," Parker huffed in exasperation.
"Apart from using their illnesses to manipulate people to do his bidding."
"Yeah but there must be more to it surely?"
"Maybe," Murphy shrugged, "maybe not. You and I both know we will never get all the answers. Sometimes we just have to be grateful the Perp is gone for good."

"What's your take on the shooting he wants Halstead to do? I mean the guy's dead so it seems somewhat redundant," Parker eyed the older man thoughtfully, eager for his insights.
"We both know King had plenty of help along the way," Murphy noted succinctly, "we have to assume he has measures in place."
"To act if Jay doesn't?"
"Hell I don't know! This whole case has been one twist after the other. He killed himself after setting up this, this ....... thing ..... whatever it is. For all we don't know about him we do know he was determined in his objective to mess with Halstead."
"I'm inclined to agree," Parker acknowledged, "the financial losses caused by Wilkes' actions were merely another disappointment and ......,"
"What are you saying?" Murphy raised a brow, this was news to him.
"Oh," the younger man shook his head in self admonishment before looking at his companion around a yawn, "sorry. Been up all night going through the notebooks. They did reveal one irrefutable fact."
"We knew King admired Jay, possibly envied him but ...,"
"Out with it," Murphy promoted impatiently.
"It's clear he actually wanted to be him."
"Isn't that the same as being jealous?" Murphy argued.
"Not really. He's quite specific. He actually wanted Jays' life."

The Psychologist and Profiler couldn't stress enough just how obsessed the late Serial Killer had been with Jay. The gnawing knowledge that the mans' death had cruelly robbed them of the chance of obtaining so many answers vexed him profoundly. He couldn't imagine how hard it was for Jay and his close knit Unit. The newfound information needed to be conveyed in person so he had already put things in motion to head to Chicago the following weekend. The case had been deemed no longer active upon Kings' unexpected demise but was reinstated to active on receipt of the surprise missive. The young man knew his companion would go with him. Some things were not up for discussion. The two of them had a vested interest in the form of Jay in seeing the case through to the very end.


21st Precinct

Around the same time Parker was discussing his findings with Murphy the Unit were going through their options, none of which could be pinned down until such time as a target had been identified. Adam pointed out the obvious as the meeting progressed.

"Look King's dead so he isn't going to be around to find out if Jay follows his instructions or not so what's the point in planning anything?"
"He would have known how and when he was going to end things so he had plenty of time to put things in motion," Jay looked over at his concerned best friend, "we can't take the risk he hasn't someone acting for him now."
"He's had help before," Kevin nodded in agreement, it didn't sit well with him that there were still unknown Perpetrators out there walking around free when so many innocent Victims had been murdered.
"Have the Canadians made any headway in finding the person who posted the note?" Antonio checked.
"It originated in Toronto," Voight explained.
"No other leads?" Mouse asked without much hope.
"No. Forensics couldn't pull any prints from the note or envelope."
"Surprise, surprise," Antonio muttered unhappily.
"So whoever the target is we need to make it look like Halstead did the job," Voight concentrated on the main issue, there was no point wasting time bemoaning the lack of forensic evidence.
"So how soon will we know the target?" Kevin wondered.
"Note states details will be furnished within twenty-four hours of its' delivery."
"The target could be anyone!" Mouse grumbled.
"And it might even be someone in Canada," Jay put in absently.
"Didn't think of that," Voight admitted.
"It's unlikely but with King it can't be ruled out," the exhausted Detective shrugged, he was trying to anticipate all avenues the late man might have taken.
"Do you think his target is in Canada?" Als' quiet question was directed at the former Ranger.
"No ....," Jay responded after a brief contemplation, "makes more sense for him to choose a target here. Just trying to cover all possibilities."
"Why wouldn't he choose a target in Canada?" the moustached man pressed, he had an inkling but wanted his young friend to say the words out in the open.
"Does it matter?"
"Answer the question Halstead," Voight ordered, knowing his old friend was onto something.
"Here is where my downfall will be witnessed by those who know me," Jay eventually spoke, his gaze on the carpet rather than his friends.
"Downfall?" Adam frowned.
"King wants to ruin Jays' reputation," Al supplied evenly, his focus remaining on his fellow ex-Sniper, "have him disgraced for everyone to see."
"Well that's not going to happen!" Adam vehemently insisted.
"It might have to," Jay shrugged dismissively, trying unsuccessfully to appear nonchalant about the possibility.
"Let's wait till we know the target," Voight directed, he could see the strain the recovering man was under despite his valiant efforts to appear 'fine'.

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