Chapter Sixteen: To The Edge

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Golden Eagle Hotel: Hotel Room

As the minutes ticked down Jay took out the burner phone which had been included in the package provided by the ill at ease man in the kitchen.   As he went to place it on the small round table beside the window a message popped up.  It simply read 'Do it in five minutes'.  He put the cell down and got into a comfortable position at the window.  The sunny day was no hindrance for the skilled Marksman and he automatically slipped into Sniper mode calculating wind speed and the proper angle required to ensure a killshot.  Glancing through the powerful lense he watched as the unsuspecting Singer casually strolled around his bedroom in only a towel.  His dripping hair confirming he had just stepped out of the shower.  Jay kept his focus on the window into his targets' domain.  As an elite Sniper he had long ago learnt how to ignore distractions such as the present ones of someone arguing in a nearby room or the sirens of a fire engine on the street below  blaring as it rushed to someones' aid.  A quick check told him he had two minutes left.  Slowing his breathing down he calmed the inevitable nerves that were part and parcel of the job.  Only a stone cold Killer could shoot without compunction.  Jay was not a stone cold Killer.  He purposefully refrained from glancing at the other windows across the way.

21st Precinct

Adam watched the confrontation taking place in the Sergeants' office, relieved he had been dismissed when Voight and Al arrived.  It was clear things were tense.  Sitting back in his chair he heaved a sigh and decided he might as well forge his way through some paperwork to pass the time until they had decided on a course of action.  He sent a disgusted look towards Antonio at his desk.

"Think they'll agree on something anytime soon?"
"Doubt it!" the Italian-American scoffed.
"That's all we need," Kevin joined in, "as if things weren't bad enough now we have the Feds in the mix.  So any ideas where Jay went?"
"Nope," Adam shook his head as he went to push his keyboard aside to have room for the forms he needed to fill out, "what the hell!"
"What is it?" Antonio questioned in concern as his friend held an envelope with familiar writing on it.
"Think I need a coffee," Adam declared as he hastily shoved the envelope into his jeans' pocket and stood up, "why don't y'all join me?"
"Was feeling kinda thirsty," Kevin concluded as he too rose, mug in hand.
"Reckon I'll stay here," Antonio decided reluctantly, "don't want to gain attention."
"Good idea," Adam agreed leading the way to the canteen, "won't be long."
"Just as well," Antonio cautioned, "the Feds aren't going to be happy about being kept in the dark."
"We mightn't have to leave them out," Kevin suggested hopefully as he followed Adam into the canteen and closed the door before demanding, "well what does it say?!"
"Oh hell!" Adams' features paled as he hastily read the missive.

Hotel Room

With a minute to go Jay watched as Adams, blissfully unaware he was now a sitting duck, headed back into the ensuite momentarily  hiding him from view.  Upon his return to the bedroom the famous Singer had donned jeans and a black shirt, accenting his tanned features perfectly.  Adjusting his sunglasses Jays' index finger caressed the trigger as he observed the target, readying for the shot.  A final glance at his cell phone confirmed the deadline had arrived.  He was just about to squeeze the trigger when the cell phone on the table suddenly vibrated.  His eyes strayed from the window and checked the SMS message.

"Well guess no one is going to die today by my hand," Jay muttered as if to himself after reading the brief message which simply stated 'Stop'.

Pulling the rifle back from its' perch on the window sill he pulled the heavy curtains closed and then sank down on the bed in abject relief.  It had been close, too close!  He had suspected, and indeed fervently hoped, King might opt to simply show his power from beyond by exerting control over him.  He had hoped that by going along with the Killers' instructions and really being apparently prepared to take out Adams he would be stopped at the last chance.  His assessment of the evil mans' actions had been accurate, luckily.  If no message had been received he would have taken the shot but purposefully missed, hoping it might look like a genuine error on his part.  The past couple of hours had drained the young man.  He had avoided looking at other windows across the way as he waited sure in the knowledge that he was being watched from one of said windows by one of Kings' minions. 

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