Chapter Twenty-Seven: Pushing On

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Chicago Med

The following afternoon Jay glanced at his watch as he entered the bustling ER.  He had another few hours before heading to the airport and had opted to call into the hospital to see his brother.  He had briefly considered informing him by telephone of his departure but decided that wasn't fair on his sibling.  Besides he wanted to say a proper goodbye in case things went south during his time in New York, not that he would allude to that consideration.  He was about to approach the Nurses' Station when a hand on his shoulder stayed his steps.  Turning he found himself facing Dr. Charles.

"Jay.  It's been a long time," the Psychiatrist stated in greeting with a jovial smile.
"Guess it has."
"So how are you doing?" Charles asked as the pair stood in the midst of the hectic ER.
"Good Doc," the Detective replied with his automatic response to such a query as he looked around searching for his brother distractedly.
"Well I wish I could say you look 'good'," the plump man observed ruefully.
"Have you seen Will?"
"He was with a patient in cubicle three about ten minutes ago when I came down here.  I think he's still in there," Charles offered, not surprised his comment had been ignored but worried all the same by the other mans' worn out features, "how about a coffee while you wait?"
"No thanks Doc," Jay politely declined, he had no intention of being quizzed by the man on his wellbeing and that was obviously his intent, "can't wait long.  Have a flight to catch."
"You're going on vacation?" Charles asked, surprised but happy.
"No.  We have a case on New York," Jay explained as he saw his brother emerge from the cubicle, "better go before Will gets tied up with another patient."
"Sure Jay.  Look after yourself."
"Always do," Jay winked cheekily before walking away but the mirth did not reach his eyes.

Dr. Charles watched the Detective as he approached his sibling and wondered just what Voight thought he was doing letting him work when he clearly needed time off.  With a heavy sigh of regret he headed for the elevators not envying Will the upcoming conversation.

Will was initially surprised to see Jay but that was immediately replaced by concern as he saw the dark smudges under his eyes.  He looked worse than the last time he had seen him!!

"To what do I owe the honour?" the redhead acknowledged his unexpected Visitor with a question.
"Can we talk somewhere?"
"Sure," Will motioned towards the canteen and headed over towards the closed door hoping it was empty.
"Don't have a lot of time," Jay divulged as he traced the taller mans' steps, unknowingly mirroring his brothers' hope that the canteen was empty so they could have privacy.
"We'd have more time to talk after my shift," Will noted as he opened the door and led the way in, closing it behind the younger man.
"That's why I need to speak to you," the Detective hid a sigh of relief when he found they were alone.
"What do you mean?" Will frowned as he headed over to the coffee pot out of habit.
"I'm catching a flight to New York later tonight .....,"
"New York? Wouldn't be my choice of vacation but ....,"
"It's not a vacation.  We caught a case and ....,"
"Are you serious?" the redhead abandoned the coffee making and turned to give his sibling his full attention.
"It's a joint investigation that requires the Units' assistance," Jay elaborated, unwilling to disclose his pivotal role in the operation.
"But New York is out of your jurisdiction," Will argued needlessly, this was not good.
"We're going to be part of a Joint Task Force."
"What type of case is it?" Will finally asked warily, it had to be serious force Joint Task Force to be set up.
"Can't really say," the Detective shrugged dismissively.
"I'm not asking for specifics Jay.  Just the basics."
"This goes no further.  Someone is murdering people from Chicago after they arrive in New York."
"People?  Another Serial Killer?"
"You shouldn't be forced to work on the investigation so soon after the King case.  That's not even fully closed is it?"
"It's not active but it hasn't been closed," Jay admitted, there were numerous accomplices that still needed to be identified before the case could be closed but he didn't say that.
"Surely you're entitled to a proper break."
"I had two weeks off," Jay reminded before continuing, "besides no one is forcing me to do anything.  If I didn't want to go Sarge would have backed me."
"If you say so," Will allowed his scepticism at that statement to seep through.
"I do," Jay insisted firmly, he didn't want Will blaming Voight for anything down the line.
"So how long will you be gone?" Will asked even though he already knew putting a timeframe on the investigation would be impossible.
"Not sure," Jay shrugged as he smothered a yawn wishing he could summon up energy for whatever lay ahead.
"You look like roadkill."
"Gee thanks."
"You shouldn't be working let alone travelling across country to ....,"
"New York is hardly cross country," Jay pointed out.
"You know what I mean.   Well will you at least promise to stay in touch?  I worry about you."
"This is my job.  You know that."
"So you'll keep me posted?" the redhead persisted.
"I'll try to but it will probably be busy so don't get twisted up in knots if you don't hear from me for a while."
"It's a wonder my hair isn't white!" Will chided deciding saying anything else would only lead to an argument and he did not want them to part on bad terms.
"Maybe you should dye it?" the younger man suggested, forcing a grin.
"Funny guy."

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