Chapter Forty-Seven: Prepping

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Adam pulled his friend aside while Voight and Murphy still stood with Banton.

"You sure about this?"
"Seems our only option," the green eyed man shrugged.
"What if he knows about Will ...... and Conor?"
"That's unlikely."
"But not impossible," Adam countered, "you have to admit it's one hell of a coincidence they walked into that bank."
"I know," Jay acknowledged with a sigh, it didn't sit well with him either but so far Mouse had confirmed there didn't seem to be any indication Billings was paying special attention to the pair specifically.
"It's not a good sign Billings isn't wearing a mask and has left the security cameras untouched."
"You got anything positive to say?" Jay eyed the other man trying to reign in his impatience, he didn't need to be reminded of the serious ramifications of those decisions.
"All I'm saying is he could be planning on ending it in there and you going out with him won't achieve anything ...,"
"I have to try," the auburn haired man insisted vehemently, "I'm not leaving Will and Conor in there without trying to get Billings out ...,"
"You're not fooling me," Adam pointed out perceptively, "you'd be willing to go in there even if they weren't in the bank ...,"
"Let's just concentrate on the job in hand," Jay avoided responding to the astute observation, his friend knew him too well, "I'll have ears so keep me posted on what Mouse turns up."
"Billings will check you for communication devices."
"If we can't communicate with you it could get messy."
"Been thinking about that," Jay admitted and gave a knowing smile, "Mouse has a listening device I can plant so ye can hear what's going on ...,"
"But you might not be able to hear us," Adam feared Billings would quickly locate and destroy the other mans' earpiece.
"I'm not sure he's worrying about things like that given his lack of security measures."

"I don't like it," Adam complained as Antonio approached with Kevin at his side.
"Reckon Voight will get his way?" the Italian-American gestured towards where the trio by the van had now been joined by Parker.
"You ever know him not to!" Adam scoffed.
"Why are you so sure he'll agree to Jay going in?" Kevin asked with an arched brow.
"Seems to be our best bet and ....,"
"What if Billings knows about Will and Conor?" Adam demanded unhappily.
"Then we'll deal with it," Jay put in before Antonio could reply.
"You mean you'll deal with it," Adam contradicted, he was getting sick and tired of his best friend bearing the brunt of responsibility in the investigation.
"So is it just a huge coincidence that Billings has Will and Conor?" Kevin decided to deflect Adams' impending argument against Jay going into the bank.
"Seems to be," Jay nodded as he gave Kevin a grateful look, he was in no mood for a confrontation.
"There's no way he could have known they'd be there," Antonio concurred.
"Looks like a decision has been made," Al walked up to the men as Voight headed their way with Murphy and Parker in tow.

An hour later Jay had been whisked away to the newly arrived communications van which had taken up residence beside the surveillance vehicle in which Mouse was enconsed.  Eyeing his concerned companions the young Detective decided it was time to do some housekeeping, so to speak.

"If things go south I want Thompson to know this was my choice and the buck stops with me," Jay addressed the Assistant Director solemnly.
"No it stops with me," the older man shook his head in disagreement before a warm smile of gratitude graced his features, "but I appreciate your intent."
"So what's the best way to approach Billings?" Voight eyed Parker.
"If he agrees to let Jay in the best option is to take cues from him.  Don't volunteer information ...,"
"Like we know that much anyway!" Adam scoffed, this plan did not sit well with him and he wasn't afraid to let his displeasure be known.
"Ruzek you want to stay on this case get on board or walk," Voights' calm voice held a clear note of warning.
"Sarge," Adam acknowledged the words after a brief silence, he'd bite his tongue for now.
"What about the killings?  Should Jay address those if he brings them up?" Kevin asked.
"To be honest I just don't know," the Psychologist had to frankly admit, "this situation seems to be unrelated to those acts but if he intends to end things he might speak freely of them figuring he has nothing to lose."
"Thing is though he had that extra shelf installed for his collection," Jay frowned thoughtfully, "which indicated more intended Victims.  Serial Killers don't usually just stop, not without a compelling reason."
"Agreed.  The financial troubles may have trumped the killings however."
"Seems unlikely," Murphy stated, "the guy's been having troubles for the past two years but still kept killing."
"The money situation has become impossible to ignore now," Parker pointed out.
"And having no funds would impede his plans to add to his collection," Jay surmised before looking over at the Psychologist, "so unless he brings up the killings I don't?"
"Seems the best way to proceed."
"And if he does?" Al asked, as ever he was a Realist and did not expect smooth sailing for his young friend.
"We're in uncharted waters."
"Well that's comforting!" Adam couldn't keep his discontent to himself, the more they discussed the matter the more it became apparent how many unknowns were involved.
"Ruzek!" Voights' voice was firm, he would not tolerate insubordination even if he did understand the Detectives' concerns.
"Sorry Sarge."

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