Chapter Fifty-One: A Trap Sprung

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For over forty minutes Jay had been assessing the various nooks and crannies of his surroundings without being obvious he was doing so.  His self imposed endeavour was helped, albeit unintentionally, by Billings as the man had been preoccupied with a growing interest in the activity outside the bank as nightfall began to descend.  Unfortunately the Detectives' search had failed to yield results.  He was just about to admit defeat when something out of place in the pristine area caught his attention. Conor, Will and the other Hostages were sitting on the ground leaning against the counters and two large flower pots respectively on either end both housing large cactus plants.  It was the flower pot furthest from him, and directly behind Will and Conor, which caused his heart pace to quicken even as he schooled his features to remain blank.  On his various trips with the Hostages Jay had carried out an intensive visual examination of the various offices and public areas within sight. What had become clear was that Milton ran a tight ship.  There wasn't one piece of rubbish such as a gum wrapper marring the floor. More tellingly the Bank Mangers' desk, observed thanks to a fortuitously open door, was bereft of clutter.  The man clearly took pride in his place of business and that was reflected in the clean environs of the financial institution.  It was therefore unusual for some earth to be on the ground beside the flower pot, its' presence stood out in the otherwise well maintained setting.  Jay knew with certainty he had now found the location of the explosives and cringed inwardly.  His brother and friend were right in front of the flowerpot and he had directed them to their precarious position!

Surveillance Van

Mouse rubbed his eyes distractedly then returned his focus to the screens before him.  Watching his former Lieutenant walk so effortlessly into danger was something he would never get used to no matter how many times he witnessed the stoic man do so.  He had been observing the ex-Sniper covertly pay attention to the area the Hostages were confined in.  The IT Specialist knew from experience there was a calculated reason behind the action.  Like Jay he too had carefully scrutinised areas where explosives might be hidden. Watching his old friend now however he sensed he had indeed found his objective.  Carefully paying attention to Jays' hands his suspicions were confirmed and he slammed a palm down on the desk.  Finally they were making progress.  Standing he grabbed a com headset to enable him to hear the audio from inside the bank and headed out to notify Voight of what he had just been wordlessly told.


Will and Conor had both seen a momentary stricken look appear in Jays' eyes as he glanced in their direction but it had faded almost as soon as it appeared.  The urge to consult with each other was almost overwhelming but each man refrained.  The redhead tried to fathom what had given rise to the sudden change but could not come up with anything.  He noted his sibling had been looking towards the Surgeon and himself when the look flashed in his eyes but he could not understand its' origin.  Looking casually around he tried to see the area through his brothers' eyes but realized the attempt was futile.  With Jays' military background alone he would be able to assess scenes in a manner Will never could.  That ability was exponentially aided by the younger mans' years in law enforcement.  With a heavy sigh he could not conceal he looked towards the main entrance hoping for some sign of rescue before things went south.  Beside Will Conor was also wondering what had caused Jays' reaction.  Something had triggered the response but he was at a loss to identify it.  Glancing at the Bank Manager, who now sat across from him, the Surgeon noticed a frown on the mans' features as he looked in his general direction. Now Conor was totally perplexed. What about the area he was in was causing such reactions?

Command Post

Mouse had made short work of relaying the message Jay had signalled.  Now he stood before the Sergeant as he assessed the new information and the other men waited for what the Sergeant would say.

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