Chapter Forty-Five: A Brothers' Warning

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HS Headquarters

In the conference room Murphy had called a meeting of the whole investigation team to update them on the mornings' events. That their case was definitely unrelated gave everyone some comfort. After going over various leads the Assistant Director dismissed the gathering. The Chicago Visitors stayed behind.

"You look awful," Murphy informed Jay frankly, he had been surprised when the injured Detective returned to Headquarters with Voight.
"I'm fine."
"Maybe taking a day off wouldn't hurt," Parker suggested evenly.
"You do that if you want to," Jay tossed back quietly.
"Okaaay," Murphy cut in seeing the young man was determined to stay, "where are we on Billings? We're still investigating all five likely blackmail Victims but sooner or later we need to concentrate solely on Billings."
"Thompson won't be happy," Kevin reminded.
"Hell I don't think he's ever happy!" Murphy noted in disgust.
"We still don't have concrete evidence to go after Billings," Antonio pointed out the obvious.
"What do you think is behind the theft allegation Doc?" Voight looked across the oak table at the Psychologist and part-time Profiler.
"He must be getting rattled," Adam put in before a response was forthcoming.
"Doc?" Jay wanted the other mans' opinion, he hadn't been happy to learn of the unexpected allegation.
"Adam has a point," Parker acknowledged, "clearly he's after taking a personal dislike to you and ....,"
"He has no proof to back up his claim," Al interjected, "so why make it at all?"
"Maybe it's a warning shot?" Jay suggested.
"Warning shot?" Adam asked with a raised eyebrow as the others also showed their confusion.
"Could be," the Psychologist nodded after contemplating the possibility, "basically he's putting you on notice ...,"
"Not me all of us ...,"
"No he's focusing on you," Murphy corrected grimly, there was no point in pretending otherwise.
"Why would he single Halstead out?" Voight questioned, this was the last thing they needed!
"Only time will tell," Parker stated.

Jay was about to say something when his cell vibrated. Taking it out of his pocket with his good hand he read the brief message and rose to his feet informing the men he had somewhere he needed to be. Voight bristled at the departure but held his tongue sensing it was important. He wondered if it related to Will but didn't ask questions as the young Detective shut the door after him. Adam got to his feet to follow but found his arm being tugged by Al who was shaking his head.

"He shouldn't be alone! We just got done talking about Billings going after him," Adam looked at the moustached man in surprise.
"Jay's no fool. You forget he's a former Ranger?"
"Well no but ...,"
"He knows how to watch his six," the IT Specialist spoke up succinctly.
"He's injured ...,"
"Ruzek," Voight eyed his subordinate, "sometimes you have to give him his freedom. If you don't he'll take off one of these days for good."
"Fair point," Antonio sighed, he wasn't happy with their friend being alone either but the Sergeant was right and unfortunately it wasn't the first time they'd had this conversation.


Two hours later found Jay sitting on a bench in Central Park in a reflective mood. The Fire Captain had kept his word and arranged for him to visit Roses' family. The meeting with the distraught elderly parents was full of emotional turmoil. The pair were obviously still in shock. Real grief would take a while to set in. He had relayed in a quiet tone how their daughter had maintained bright spirits up to the end and upon being asked if she had suffered he had braced himself internally and lied to their faces. They would be haunted enough by the circumstances of her death there was no point in compounding matters by being truthful. He had been relieved Roses' Sister was still travelling home from a trip out of state as he suspected she might have been more perceptive about her siblings' final hours. Now as he eyed the various people passing by Jay contemplated, not for the first time, if life was ever just simple. Subconsciously he had a protective hand on his bandaged left arm. It was painful but he had opted against the painkillers prescribed. It was bad enough taking meds for his headaches he didn't want to become dependant. Besides he had dealt with much worse. Involuntarily his mind drew up images of his bruised and swollen fingers of all those years ago, in a macabre way resembling sausages. Sighing heavily he pushed the memories aside but in their wake loomed Will. He couldn't put it off any longer he realized. The injured arm was not going to make it easy but he determined to send his sibling on his way with a final warning. He was all out of chances after this.

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