Chapter Three.

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Our disposition and our mental inquisition...
Always seem to follow where we go...



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WE drive back to the docks, the place seemingly way too crowded. It gets like this every time the island goes through a storm.

Pope parks the pouge and we all get down from it and onto the dock, walking down towards the crowd. Pope and Kie hang back outside while, JJ, John B and I go ahead towards the counters which was surrounded by people. One of the guards was arguing with a woman about her dog.

"Excuse me, hey, we--we found a boat," John B started to speak over the arguing, trying to grab the attention of either of the guards.

"I-I... hey, you listenin'?" I asked, trying to grab the man's attention who was one of the lifeguards. JJ beside me tried to speak up as well, but to no avail.

"You're gonna wanna listen to this," John B said over the voices.

"HEY!" he said suddenly, shutting up John B. "Calm down," he said and then went back to arguing with that woman about her dog's canine diabetics. 

JJ's hand slipped around my waist as I was leaning over to still trying and grab the attention of the coast guard. "Great... he's not gonna listen," I muttered as he pulled me close to himself, my back crashing into his chest.

JJ was playing around with a blunt he found in his pockets his arms resting on the counter, but John B snatched it out and throws it back, grabbing JJ's arm and tugging him, who sneaks the blunt back and put it in his pocket before doing the same to me, his large hand slipping into my small one as he pulled me along.

We three walked outside to where Pope and Kie were waiting. JJ put his arm around my shoulder as we walked out. "Well, that went well," he commented.

"So what's the plan?" Pope asked, looking at us three.

"I know how we're gonna find the guy who owns the boat," John B answered holding up the motel key, that I found from the wreck, in front of Pope's face. Kie was leaning on the pillar beside listening to the conversation. I walk away from JJ, his arm falling from my shoulders as he pouted at me. I smiled, shaking my head as I went to stand beside Kie.

"No, no, we don't know whose room that is..." Pope pointed out. "It could be anyone," he added.

"You got a blow pop?" I asked Kiara lowly, I was getting hungry--having just had beers for breakfast-- as she wrapped her arms around me and I rested my head on her shoulder.

"Cherry flavors?" She said smiling as she pulled one out from her pocket. I nodded and got excited like a five-year-old as I took the lollipop and threw the wrapper after tearing it up and putting it in my mouth. 

Catching the Waves~ JJ Maybank ᣵ¹&ᣵ²Where stories live. Discover now