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Chan wasn't really planning on going back to that same cafe after the awkward interaction with the freckled brunette named Felix.

But that was somehow the best drink he had ever had in his life and after trying one other cafe he had completely lost hope that he would find someplace better. The brownie wasn't terrible either.

He walked in with his head down, hoping that Felix wouldn't be there. He just wanted to stay there for a while and enjoy his drink. Staying in the house so much was beginning to get to his head.

Surprisingly the only person he saw behind the counter was the girl that was there last time who glanced at him as he approached the counter. She looked like she had a pretty large ticket and there was a large group of people on the corner but Chan honestly didn't mind waiting.

"Felix! Can you come take an order?" asked, showing Chan a small smile as the blonde let out a small sigh.

Felix walked out with his usuals uniform of a long black sleeved shirt with an apron and a hat. Immediately, he smiled at Chan but he didn't get one back in return.

"Hi Chan! How are you today?" He asked, trying to start a conversation. He was pretty sure that he had already made it obvious. The fact that Chan had even come back to the cafe gave him a little bit more of confidence.

"Matcha Latte please," Chan said, not answering Felix's question.


"I got it," she rolled her eyes.

"So have you done anything interesting since you've gotten here? Probably a lot of new things since the last time you were here right?"

"No. How much was the latte?"

"On the house don't worry about it," Felix said with a small smile.

"Thanks," Chan replied and walked away to his corner seat.

"Didn't seem like he was in the mood to talk," Lily said quietly.

"But- do you see him?" Felix asked with a pout. As much as he believed in dating people that weren't your soulmate, all three of the people that he has dated didn't last any longer than a week. Something about Chan seemed different although he had no idea what.

"Then just go over there, you aren't gonna help make drinks anyways. Take an early break."

Felix grinned and walked over to the small table Chan was sitting at, starring out of the glass. Of course he looked up once he saw someone sit down out of the corner of his eye.

"What are you doing?" Chan asked awkwardly.

"I'm on my break."

"Ah, but why are you sitting at one of the only tables that aren't empty?" Chan asked.

"Because I wanted to take this opportunity to talk to this really cute guy," Felix responded, surprising the older with the sudden confidence.

"Not interested."

"Why not?" Felix pouted, "You just moved here and i'm sure you don't know about half of the stuff there is to do. I've lived here all my life."

"I didn't move, I'm visiting. I'm also not here to enjoy myself or have a good time."

"Sounds pretty boring," Felix sighed.

"Mhm, because I am a very boring person," Chan replied, hoping to get Felix to loose all interest. But if anything this was just making him even more interested in the attractive stranger.

"I think you just want me to think couldn't find a place that has a better matcha latte than us, right?"

"Well- yeah, they are pretty good here, why?"

"So you're gonna be coming here often." Felix stated rather than questioning.

"I guess?"

"I'll get you to go on a date with me before you go back to Korea," he stated confidently.

"No you won't," Chan replied but Felix was already walking towards the counter again with a huge smile on his face.

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