twenty five

129 15 4

Felix groaned when he heard his doorbell way too early considering it was his day off.

He slowly got out of bed and opened it to see his boyfriend, a small pout in his face and his hair was a mess.

"It's so early."

"I know, I'm sorry. I just wanted to be the first one to say happy birthday to you," Chan explained, walking into Felix's apartment, closing the door behind him and grabbing Felix's hand, leading him back into his bedroom. "You can go back to sleep if you want to though."

"Thank you," Felix said with a smile, looking at the door envelope in Chan's hand with curious eyes.

"Happy birthday."

Felix opened the envelope and smiled even more once he saw two plane tickets to Korea. "This is for next week. I know I joked that I wouldn't care if ai got fired from my job but I actually really love it there and-"

"I talked to your manager about it already."

"I get to see all of the places in Minho's journal," Felix said, staring down at the plane tickets.

"Yeah," Chan smiled. He couldn't explain how happy it made him that of all things Felix could look forward to, that was number one on the list.

Felix hugged Chan, placing a few kisses on his lips which obviously made him feel ecstatic since both of them were beyond happy.

"I have to start packing! I don't even think I have enough clothes. How long are we gonna be there? I'm meeting your friends, right? I should start trying to learn a little bit more Korean. What about your mom? Am I meeting your mom?"

Felix knew korean, he knew how to read it pretty well at least. He wasn't at all confident about his pronunciation but reading Minho's letters had become an acceptation.

Felix began rambling and there seemed to be no end near by so Chan cut him off.

"You do have a passport, right?"


"We're gonna be there for two weeks, we can go shopping before then if you want to. Both of my friends that you're going to meet speak english so you're going to be fine. You might meet my mom, possibly, but she speaks english too."

"Did Minho know English?"

"No, why?"

"I'm just wondering," Felix said but Chan could tell there was more to it than that. "I'm so excited!"

"So, good birthday gift?" Chan asked  even though the answer was obvious that Felix was beyond happy about it.

"I love it! I love you," Felix said without thinking, he let those three words slip out of his mouth.

"I-" Chan started but he couldn't help but hesitate. He cared for Felix a lot but that's words have always belonged to Minho.

He cared for Felix, he loved spending time with him but he still loved Minho.

Saying it to Felix, not even a year after loosing Minho, felt wrong.

Ever since he was a kid, he always thought that Minho would be the only person he would say those words to and that was the only thing he was left holding onto.

"Oh- sorry I didn't mean to make you umm. I'm still not expecting you to say it back yet Chan."


"I'll wait for matter how long it takes," Felix reassured with one more kiss.

the end

joking but it definitely could be.

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