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late but happy new year!! ❤️

"Even if it's wrong," Felix couldn't stop thinking about those words. Chan didn't really say much to him after that. Even if he did, it probably wouldn't have helped calm Felix's mind at all.

He didn't know if there was something wrong with him. with Chan? He had no idea.

"Are you okay there mate?" Lily questioned, nudging him on the shoulder.

"Is there something wrong with me?"

"You're too pretty it should be illegal," she replied seriously, hoping it would make her friend loosen up but it didn't seem to work.

"No, like- am I a bad person? Is it wrong for me to go out with people when my soulmate could be out there?"

"No, a lot of people still date around before they find their soulmate. Why are you asking that?" Lily questioned.

"It's just- you don't think it's something someone would look down on me for?" Felix asked and before Lily could give him a better thought-out answer a customer walked in.


As much as Felix liked to justify his actions of dating people, he did beat himself up over it at times.

Although it wasn't necessarily wrong, a lot of people strictly didn't date until they found their soulmate. Sometimes it almost felt as though he was cheating.

"Felix, you can go. It's 12," Lily tapped his shoulder. "Go relax."

"I'll see you tomorrow," he weakly smiled and walked out of the coffee shop.

He started walking back towards his house but he couldn't miss the blond that was walking in the direction of the coffee shop.

"Chan?" He asked, smiling once he saw the blonde stop. If anything could fix his mood right now, it was definitely him.

"Hey," he responded, rubbing the tiredness away from his eyes.

"Are you going to the cafe?"

"Yeah, are you going to work? We could walk together if you want to."

Felix blushed at the offer and let out a small laugh.

"I just got off but I'll still walk with you."

"I don't know how you wake up that early," Chan responded

"It's just like a High school schedule."

"Do you go to college?"

"No," Felix said quietly. "Do you have classes soon?"

"Why? Wanna go do something?"

As friends. Felix know that part didn't need to be verbalized to be clear. As much as he wanted to push and ask for a date he knew he needed to calm down and let things happen slowly if anything was going to happen between them.


After Chan got his usual matcha latte, Felix started leading him to a place Chan was actually familiar with this time. The beach. He hadn't been there since he arrived to Australia but it almost seemed like mussel memory. He knew exactly where they were going.

Their comfortably quiet walk was going fine until they got to the actual beach and felix couldn't walk for the life of him. He slipped and Chan grabbed his hand, catching him.

"You live here. Why are you struggling so much?" Chan laughed.

"My work shoes are making it difficult."

"Want me to carry you?"

"you couldn't." Felix challenged and before he could begin to say anything else, much less comprehend the fact that it almost seemed as though Chan was flirting with him, he got swept off his feet and carried to a spot in the shade with a pretty view.

"Just so you don't hurt yourself," Chan explained then noticed Felix's flushed cheats and his own heart racing. "Sorry."

"You don't have to apologize."

"Felix, please don't like me. Like romantically. I just want a friend."

"Yeah, I know you do," Felix replied though he still had the idea of it slowly becoming something more.

"I'm serious. Just friends."

"Then show me you're soulmate tattoo."

"Why?" Chan questioned.

"For closure. Once I see it and I know it's not the same one that I have I'll stop. We'll just be friends and I won't ever expect more than that," he explained he had a gut feeling that this was the right thing to do. He desperately wanted Chan to reveal a small tattoo of an hourglass.


The younger suddenly pulled up his sleeve, revealing a tiny hourglass. One just like Minho's. Just like Chan's.

Chan silently ran his thumb over it, not believing that it was real. He missed the safe feeling of kissing his soulmate. He wanted to feel it again so bad but Felix want his soulmate. Minho was and he was going to stay loyal to him no matter what.

"I already have soulmate," he said, moving his hand away from Felix.

"I don't believe you."

"His name is Minho," Chan explained, turning on his phone to show Felix a picture of his lock screen which was an old picture of Minho.

"You're lying. He's definitely an idol," Felix said, grabbing Chan's phone to look closer. "He's so pretty."

"So are you," Chan said seeing Felix's face turn red again. "You'll find your soulmate one day, but it's not me."

"Is he still in Korea?" Felix asked, admiring the smile Chan had on his face as he told him all about Minho. He was envious.

But he wanted to hear more, as much as possible. So he listened. And Chan told him everything...up until the part where Minho got sick.

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