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not proofread

Chan and Felix had been hanging out regularly for a couple of weeks. They weren't dating but it was also a bit more than friendship. Or maybe just a very touchy friendship? Whatever the in between mark was.

"Sooo what's going on with you and Chan?" Lily finally asked after Chan had given Felix a hug before leaving.

"We're just friends."

"He invited you to his house after work?"

"Friends can hang out," Felix replied but couldn't hide the blush on his cheeks.

His feelings hadn't gone away at all, they've gotten stronger but he didn't feel as pressured to make anything happen between them. He was waiting for Chan to. However long that would take.

"Nothings happened?"

"Nope," Felix replied.

"You're hiding something."



"Hey," Chan said and opened the door for Felix to come inside.

"Hi," Felix said awkwardly and stood by the door. He had never been to Chan's house before, he looked around carefully to try and take everything in. It wasn't actually Chan's house, it was his uncle and from the looks of it, he had money.

"This is a really pretty house."

"Oh um uncle isn't here very often so it's kinda lonely...come here."

Chan pulled him by his wrist over to the couch and sat down next to him.

"Do you wanna watch a movie or play a game?"

Felix took a minute to think about it. He knew watching a movie would make him tired but it also gave him the chance to cuddle.

"Movie," Felix responded.

Once they found one that looked interesting Chan started it and looked over to Felix who was already staring back at him.

"What Lix?"

The younger felt his heart skip a beat from the nickname but he ignored it, as always.

"Nothing," he turned away and stared at the tv screen.

Chan took it as an opportunity to tease him, there was no harm in doing so, at least he didn't think there was.

"Lix," Chan moved closer, putting his hand on the side of Felix's face to get the younger to look at him.

Felix tried to keep eye contact. He didn't want to be the one who makes any first moves knowing what Chan had been through it didn't feel right. But the urge to kiss him was extremely strong right now.

However, Chan seemed to always be too in his head to make any sort of moves. He was still hurting, obviously, and any time he thought about it even for a second, Minho would take over his mind.

However now, all he was focused on was Felix. For once, his mind was blank and he was staring at the cute boy who was inches away from his lips.

"You're being rude," Felix said and tried to move away but Chan didn't let him.


"You know how," Felix replied, looking up at Chan. He knew the older was just messing with him, at least he thought he did. Although it only made the temptation stronger for himself, he moved a little closer to the older, glancing up at him.

"Are you trying to do something?" Chan questioned, moving his hand away from Felix's face and instead to the back of his neck.

"No, just looking at you."

"Hmm." Chan hummed, moving the slightest bit closer. Felix could feel his breath brushing against his lips. It took everything in him not to move.

"Are you trying to do something?" Felix asked back.

"M-" Chan got cut off by a knock on his door which seemed to snap him back into reality.

Minho. The love of his life just passed, and he was about to kiss someone else.

"Sorry," Chan shook his head and moved away, getting up to go answer.

Felix wasn't sad about it, he was more so focused on how Chan felt, he could tell that he was being hard on himself.

Chan opened the door and saw a package addressed to him. He brought it back to the couch and began opening it.

"What is it?" Felix asked, trying to change the subject.

"I don't know, Chan responded then felt his heart drop when he pulled out a journal. He had forgotten that Hyunjin had said he would be receiving it. "It's Minho's journal."


Felix watched as Chan opened it to the first page.

"I don't think I can read this," Chan laughed dryly and looked at the top of the page that had the date on it, Minho was only 7 when he started writing in the journal.

"Do you want me to read it to you?" Felix offered,  unsure of what else he could do to help.

"Will you? Just the first page?"

Felix nodded as Chan handed him the note book and Felix looked at the messy Korean writing on the page.

Lily had been working on teaching him since he started so luckily he could actually read it.

"Hi, it's Minho. Today Chan and I decided that we are soulmates. Our tattoo is gonna be a little cat because I love cats! maybe we can adopt a cat one day together once the cat tattoos." Felix read and slowly closed the book.

His heart ached for Chan, the older just sighed and laid his head on Felix's lap.

Neither of them knew what to say so they just stayed silent, and maybe that was exactly what Chan needed.

"Thank you," he said quietly.

"One a day," Felix offered.

"Okay, but you know it doesn't have a happy ending."

maybe it can

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