Chan and Felix somehow ended up getting to the cafe where they were supposed to meet Seungmin and Hyunjin early.So Chan ordered his usual matcha latte and ordered Felix a caramel latte.
"This is better than my coffee shop," Felix said with a smile as he took a sip of his coffee.
"Yeah, this is my favorite cafe here."
"It's cute," Felix replied and began panicking when Chan stood up to hug his friends.
Under normal circumstances, Felix was great at meeting new people.
However, when he is in a foreign country meeting his boyfriend's friends for the first time after his ex whom he was madly in love with died, he was worried about how this was going to go.
"Felix, this is Seungmin and Hyunjin. Hyunjin and Seungmin this is Felix."
They all said "Nice to meet you and sat down again.
"Happy to finally meet after hearing so much about you," Hyunjin said and Felix felt his cheeks heat up. He didn't think that Chan talked about him. Of course, it made sense that he would he just didn't expect it from him.
"You talk about me?" Felix asked, jokingly shoving Chan's shoulder.
"It's kinda hard not to mention my boyfriend when catching up with my friends," Chan explained, making Felix smile even more.
"Him more than me," Seungmin frowned since Chan had always been closer to Hyunjin than him. He was always closer to Minho although they had become distant soon after Minho found out that he was sick. "How did you guys meet?"
"Chan came into the cafe that I work at and I thought he was cute so I annoyed him until he finally agreed to hang out with me."
"I didn't think it was possible to explain it so simply," Chan laughed. Hyunjin and Seungmin went silent, staring at their friend that they hadn't seen in months, their friend that they hadn't seen smile, much less laugh in almost a year.
Felix noticed although he had no idea what exactly caused the sudden silence.
"What?" Chan finally asked.
"Just nice to see you smile again," Hyunjin replied.
Felix let out a small sigh of relief once Hyunjin explained and grabbed Chan's hand from under the table to hold while he caught up with his friends.
Once Felix realized that Chan's friends weren't going to hate him for no logical reason he became a lot more comfortable around them.
He was happy they stuck to speaking English because he didn't think he would be able to keep up with how fast Hyunjin was speaking if it were in Korean.
They had spent a few hours talking to them and catching up. Felix couldn't help but smile every time Chan explained something the two of them had done together.
Chan gave them each a hug and Felix simply said goodbye to each of them to avoid any sort of awkward situation.
Seungmin however gave him a hug, followed by Hyunjin.
"Thanks for cheering him up," Hyunjin whispered before moving away from the hug.

Waiting For You/ Chanlix
Fanfictionsequel to Waiting For Us/ Minchan Chan is convinced that Minho is and forever will be his only soulmate...until he meets a cute boy with the same tattoo that he and Minho once shared no chapters are proofread ㅜㅜ