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After a few more weeks, Chan decided that being in Korea wasn't the best idea.

Everywhere he went, all he could think about was being there with Minho.

Every time he spoke to anyone, it was about Minho.

When he was at college, all he thought about was what classes Minho would be choosing to take if he were there.

Any time he was given a moment to think about anything he was daydreaming about a life he can never have with Minho.

So he decided to pack all of his stuff, the main thing he ensured to bring was the letter Minho had written for him.

He said bye to all of his friends who ensured they would come visit him during the summer, to his mom, then lastly to Minho.

He approached the grave stone and carefully placed a few purple baby's breath flowers, Minhos favorite, on top of it as he sat down in front of it.

"Hi Min," he started off with a sigh as he played with his fingers to distract himself from crying. "This is gonna be my last time visiting you for a while."

"I'm gonna go back to Australia with my dad for a bit to study there since I umm...haven't really been able to study well here. I with I could take you with me. I remember how much you wanted to visit when we were little since I talked about it so much."

"Hyunjin thinks that I might find another soulmate there but I think that's really stupid. We only get one soulmate, right?"

"Even if I did get another soulmate, I wouldn't want them. You are still my soulmate and no matter what I'm going to wait for us."

"I uhh guess I should go soon so I don't miss my flight but I love you Min. I'll be back to visit soon enough, I promise."

Waiting For You/ ChanlixWhere stories live. Discover now