chapter 8 [giving up]

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•evil Bonnie's pov•
'the fire is helping me keep charged a little but I'm running out of wood to keep it going. I might have to go out and find more sticks, or just something to keep it going. I hope I can do this without getting attacked by something or getting more injured then I already am.'

'he walked out of the cave, limping a bit from his ankle'

E.bonnie:"where would I be able to even find even a twig without having to climb a tree, my entire time being here I haven't found anything on the ground except leaves, grass, rocks, and what looks like dirt or sand."

|Evil Bonnie looked around at the trees, looking for any branches low enough for him to grab|

'evil Bonnie found a few sticks he could grab and started walking back to the cave, while doing so however he  heard something and started walking faster, causing his leg to get tangled in some low vines and hitting his head on a rock. Leaving a decent hole next to his nose revealing some of his endo skeleton'

Evil Bonnie:"god.. damn it, every time I leave the damn cave I get hurt. I'm just going to go back to the cave and stay there, hopefully I won't have to leave the damn thing again." 'he picked up any sticks he dropped and untangled his foot. He then started to walk back to the cave, watching his surroundings and his steps'

'when he got to the cave he sat down, not bothering to clean the oil from the hole on his snout'

E.bonnie:"why am I still here. Why didn't Freddy just kill me..? I wouldn't have had to deal with this shit, honestly.. I wish he killed me during that damn argument.. at least then I wouldn't be on some random ass planet, in a cave and hurt."

|He looked at the fire, which almost was almost out|

|He threw some sticks in the fire|

E.bonnie:"I guess powering off would be my best bet for a while.. At least I wouldn't have to deal with being here."

'he powered off as he watched the fire burn'

•bonnies pov•
'i checked up on foxy and kat and they found some more useful information about the planet, Ophelia also told me that we should be at the planet in about an hour. Let's just hope this planet isn't so dangerous that we need to go to a different one, I don't think we have enough food to do that. Let's just hope there is some sort of food source on the planet."

'bonnie was in the med bay with illoha, dex, and malra'

Dex:"so.. what kind of planet are we going to exactly"

Bonnie:"not sure.. I just hope it is safe for us to explore and has a source of food and medical equipment"

Illoha:"we're running low on food so finding something on the planet for the ship could do us really good for us."

Bonnie:"plus, the closest planet other than this one would take us weeks to get to, and from what I know we don't have enough food to last everyone here a few weeks"

Illoha:"if the planet isn't safe to explore due to toxic or poisonous gasses we have safe suits we can use to get on it, other than you, foxy and kat. You guys don't need to breathe"

Bonnie:"that's true"

Malra:"so what's the plan for when we get to the planet?"

Bonnie:"me and foxy are going to go on the planet and just grab whatever we can get that's useful to us. Food, water, weapons, medical equipment, things like that.

Dex:"you guys will be bringing weapons with you.. right?

Bonnie:"obviously.. we don't know what's on that planet so we're going to bring a gun and maybe a few other things just in case."

Illoha:"so you and foxy have everything you guys are going to need to go down there?"

Bonnie:"yes, all we really have to do now is wait.

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