chapter 41 [were are they....]

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•with the crew•

Illoha:"hey, has anyone heard anything from Bonnie yet?

Keeva:"now that you mention it, I haven't heard from them at all since they went to the planet"

Keori:"what if something happened to them and they were hurt or dead"

Illoha:"I doubt it, they're smarter than they look"

Foxy:"I should have gone with them,I knew it would be a bad idea to let them go alone like that"

Keeva:"I can try to call them"


'keeva tried to call them but there was no answer'

Illoha:"now the worries are starting to hit"

Foxy:"I need to get down there, now. Keori, set the coordinates on the teleporter"

Keori:"but foxy-"

Foxy:"keori, now"

'keori ran to the teleporter while foxy prepared for the worst'

Keori:"the coordinates are in"

Foxy:"good, send me down"

Keori:"on it"

|Once foxy got onto the planet, he noticed tracks that looked like Bonnie's and began to follow them though the trees|

Foxy:"god, I hope you guys are ok..and that I'm not to late..."

'as he followed the tracks, he began to see more of them, however, they were farther away'

Foxy:"these definitely aren't theirs, these are way to far from the ones over there... Unless.. they were being followed..."

|Foxy continued to follow the tracks for a while before seeing something big and kinda matelic colored|

Foxy:"what in the hell is that..?"

'as he got closer, he recognized what they were'

Foxy:"damn it, I knew I should have gone with them"

|Foxy called illoha through his com|

Foxy:"illoha, we have a big problem"

Illoha:"why, what happened? Are they ok?"

Foxy:"depending on how long they've been gone, I doubt it"

Illoha:"foxy, what are you trying to say" 'she began to give in slight panic'

Foxy:"I think Freddy got to them..."

•with Bonnie and evil Bonnie•

E.freddy:"now, tell me.., what are you here"

E.bonnie:"..n..n-nothing.." he gave as he cried almost uncontrollably'

E.freddy:"and who do you work for, hm?"

E.bonnie:"y-you, s-s-sir.." 'he gave as he tensed up in the corner of the cell'

E.freddy:"good, boy. I'm going to make your last moments a living hell" 'he said as he chuckled, holding a bat drenched in oil from evil Bonnie who had been beaten to a pulp in the corner of the cell'

Bonnie:"your fuckin sick, you know that"

E.freddy:"tch, and..?"

Bonnie:"you leave him to die then recapture him so you can use him again, torture him and kill him basically for extra points in this sick world you call a game"

'bonnie was being held down with heavy chains that had been welded to the ground to keep him from trying to defend evil Bonnie'

'freddy chuckled'

E.freddy:"so, I'm going to take it as you like your little show then"

Bonnie:"fuck you, sick bastard"

E.freddy:"no thanks, but I'll keep that in mind"

Bonnie:"the fuck..." 'he gave an expression of disgust'

E.freddy:"I'll deal with you in my own time- shut the fuck UP"

|Freddy hit evil Bonnie with the bat hard on the left side of his chest, cracking one of the ribs of his Endo skeleton and causing him to scream out in pain|

Bonnie:"LEAVE HIM THE FUCK ALONE!" 'he gave as bravely as possible, tho, somewhat visibly tense'

E.freddy:"tch, don't know who you think you are.."

'freddy handed the bat to chica, who was standing in the cell by the door'

E.freddy:".. but I have something planned for you that will put your good for nothing ass in your place"

Bonnie:"try me, bastard"

E.freddy:"with pleasure.." 'he gave as he and chica walked out of the cell'

'evil Bonnie was in the same spot, sobbing from the pain and holding his chest'

Bonnie:"hey, if you can.. I need you to come here"

'he looked towards Bonnie, trying unsuccessfully to calm himself down

|Evil Bonnie slowly crawled towards Bonnie, sitting against him once he had gotten close enough|

Bonnie:"can you point to where it hurts the most?"

'still crying, he pointed towards the left side of his chest, which looked dented and broken'

|bonnie felt the spot evil Bonnie pointed at and felt something had been badly broken and a few other things out of place as well in different areas. However, in doing so it made his pain much worse|

Bonnie:"I need you to try to calm down, ok" 'he said as he tried to hug him for comfort'

E.bonnie:"i-it... h-h-hurts.. s-so.. m-much" 'he said as he tried to calm himself'

Bonnie:"does anything else hurt?"


Bonnie:"what about it..?"

E.bonnie:"I..c-cant f-f-feel m-my leg" 'he gave as he buried his face in Bonnie's chest'

'bonnie thought for a moment as he hadn't recalled Freddy doing anything to his legs, he mostly aimed for his chest, arms and head.. then it hit him'

Bonnie:"the trap!?"

E.bonnie:"what a-about i-it..?"

Bonnie:"when the trap caught your leg it must have broken it.."

E.bonnie:"b-but how, I was walking perfectly fine before..."

Bonnie:"that could have been due to a power surge or something that happened when it broke"

E.bonnie:"w..w-whats that supposed to mean..?"

Bonnie:"I'll explain it to you another time"

'bonnie comfortingly patted the back of his head'

Bonnie:"well, I'll tell you this for sure.. whatever he has planned next, won't have to do with you, tho, he's probably going to make you watch the same way he did with me"

E.bonnie:"...I feel...tired..."

Bonnie:"like battery low, tired or..?"

E.bonnie:"I...I don't...know"

Bonnie:"just, get some rest.., ok?"

E.bonnie:"...y-yea..." 'he gave in a low whisper almost too low to hear'

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