chapter 12 [leaving the planet]

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'evil Bonnie pushed some low growing leaves out of the way, revealing a few trees with weird looking fruits on them'

E.bonnie:"I've passed by this spot a few times but I've never really had the guts to stay too long..sometimes I hear loud booms and it scares me"

Bonnie:"there high but if we can find a way to get to them they'll give everyone enough food till we get to a less creepy planet"

Foxy:"wouldn't it be easier if I just cut them down..?"

E.bonnie:"not exactly... I tried doing that to get a stick and let's just say... I think the trees are alive."

Foxy:"what do you mean alive?"

E.bonnie:"it screamed.. really.. really loud"

Foxy:"do you know any better ways to get them down"

'bonnie and evil Bonnie thought for a bit on what to do's

Bonnie:"maybe we can use a stick or throw something at it"

E.bonnie:"the stick thing isn't going to work. The only way your going to get a stick here is by climbing a tree."

Bonnie:"how high would we have to climb?"

E.bonnie:"no idea, I tried and I fell and sprained my ankle.. or broke it. It's why I've been limping a bit"

Bonnie:"well check you out when we get to the ship. For now let's work on getting these down"

|Foxy grabbed a rock and threw it at on of the fruits on the tree knocking one off and causing three more to follow|

Foxy:"you too make sure nothing is watching us or getting ready to attack us"

E.bonnie:"unless this is in somethings territory we shouldn't be getting watched by anything"

Bonnie:"it's still a good idea to keep watch"

'foxy knocked off the rest of the fruit as Bonnie and evil Bonnie kept watch'

Foxy:"that should be all of it"

E.bonnie:"then can we leave now..?"

Bonnie:"you really don't like it here, do you."

E.bonnie:"no.. no I don't. It's creepy here and I just want to leave

Bonnie:"ill call keori and tell her we're ready to go back up"

|Bonnie called keori|

Bonnie:"hey keori, we got everything we need and are ready to come back"

Keori:"ok, ill send you guys back up"

'she put the coordinates into the teleporter and sent them back up to the ship'

'when they got there foxy grabbed evil Bonnie, holding him in place'

E.bonnie:"really what the hell!?"

Bonnie:"foxy, take him to the cells and watch him. Make sure he doesn't try to get out"

Foxy:"got it"

Bonnie:"ill take these to the kitchen"

|Foxy picked up evil Bonnie and took him to the cells|

E.bonnie:"you know I can fucking walk, right"

Foxy:"I know, we don't trust that you'll go to the cell on your own" 'where did keori go?'

|Foxy put evil Bonnie in one of the cells|

E.bonnie:"so are you just going to watch me or..?"

Foxy:"we're not leaving you alone. We dont want you to get out, so yeah"


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