chapter 42 [forming a new plan]

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Illoha:"what do you mean Freddy got to them!?"

Foxy:"by any chance, do you remember the traps Freddy likes to use when he wants to get something but that something is too fast or well camouflaged"


Foxy:"I found one of them and it looks like a metal strap was used not too far from the first trap"

Illoha:"has it been set off?"

Foxy:"unfortunately, yes. From what I'm seeing, there's a lot of oil on the bear trap and scratch marks all over the strap.. tho, it doesn't look like it had been cut, it looks like it was removed and just... Tossed aside"

Illoha:"damn it.. if Freddy has them then not only do we not have a captain, but Freddy might be thinking of using them for ransom or just plain killing them"

Foxy:"if we're lucky, he won't reprogram them to fight against us..."

'illoha was silent for a minute'

Illoha:"come back to the ship, we need to get them back before it's to late.."

Foxy:"got it"

'Once foxy was on the ship, him, illoha, keeva and keori and met up in the main room'

Keori:"what happened, were you able to find them?"

Foxy:"no.., I didn't find them because someone else did"

Keeva:"what are you talking about?"

Illoha:"they were captured by Freddy and taken to hell knows we're"

Keori:"what.. b-but what if-"

Illoha:"we know, if Freddy really does have them and they didn't just break out of the traps and get lost then they could be in big trouble"

Keeva:"..but how are we supposed to even get them back, know him and his grudge against Bonnie.. he probably going to treat him like crap, and evil Bonnie... Well.., we already know his fate..."

Foxy:"yea.., Freddy doesn't take well to betrayal"

Keori:"but he didn't betray him, he was left for dead"

Foxy:"you tell him that to his face and see what happens.. his definition of betrayal is weird but 90% of the time leads to death.."

Keeva:"all we can do right now is try to figure out how to get them back.., and if evil Bonnie isn't dead then he's probably going to need a lot of repairs "

Foxy:"repairs that he won't get his way with..."

Illoha:"I don't know why but I honestly feel bad for him.."


Illoha:"both of them..."

Keeva:"all we have the ability to do right now is think of a plan and fast"


Illoha:"how are we going to do this exactly..? We can't just walk in there and ask him to give them back"

Keori:"I think we all know how that will end..."

Keeva:"not unless we try to sneak on, grab him and leave before they suspect anything"

Foxy:"that's what Funtime foxy did and he failed at the last part"

Keeva:"well we're smarter than some dumb fox... No offense, foxy.."

Foxy:"non taken.."

Keori:"I could probably make a disguise like acron did or an invincibility device"

Foxy:"that could work.., how long do you think it would take for you to make a disguise?"

'keori took a minute to think'

Keori:", I don't know... Maybe about a week..."

Illoha:"then you start working on that, we'll get as ready as we can before we basically board the ship of the devil himself"


Illoha:"it's a metaphor humans use sometimes"

Keeva:"oh, alright then"

Foxy:"you just start on that keori. We're going to get everything we need ready for when our part of the plan takes place"


|Dex walked into the main room as foxy, keeva and illoha were leaving|

Dex:"hey, keori.. what's got them so rambled"

Keori:"not now, dex.. why don't you go play cards with Tim or something.. I have important work to do"

Dex:"nobody wants to be social anymore, huh"

Keori:"oh, we're social.. just.. not around you"

Dex:"damn.., am I that bad to you all"

Keori:"personally no but I can't speak for others if I don't know whether reason why"

Dex:"smart.., well, I'm going to go look for Tim and play cards with him I guess"

Keori:"I said that like 3 minutes ago"


Keori:"I think I'm starting to understand why nobody socializes when you're around..."

(Ps, he doesn't understand anything about personal space)

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