chapter 44 [what's gonna happen to me...]

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•evil Bonnie POV•
'im scared... I don't know why but I'm scared of what's coming and even tho I don't know what it is.. I'm starting to wonder if I'll even make it out of here alive...hell... If I died... Would it make any difference....'

'bonnie was in a lot of pain from the whip and was laying on the floor, still tense but a bit calmer'

E.bonnie:"...I..I'm sorry again...for opening my mouth..."

Bonnie:"I told you it's ok, you don't have to keep apologizing. It just hurts, it's not gonna kill me or anything"

E.bonnie:"I know but.. still..."

|Bonnie faced towards evil Bonnie, seemingly unable to open his left eye and squinting with his right|

Bonnie:"how are you feeling..? Can you feel your leg at all...?"

E.bonnie:"no.. I still can't feel anything... I tried pinching myself at least but I didn't feel it"

'bonnie sighed'

Bonnie:"probably broke more than just your endoskeleton, then"

E.bonnie:"is that bad.."

Bonnie:"I'm not an expert at mechanics so I'm not really sure. I can tell you, tho, that you won't be able to walk and will need that leg repaired when we get out of here" 'he gave as he waved his hand in a half motion'

E.bonnie:"but, how.. how are we supposed to get out of here?"

Bonnie:"by waiting.. my crew knows what they're doing and I know they won't leave us behind"

'evil Bonnie put his ears down'

E.bonnie:"I hope they can get here without being killed..."

•with the crew•

•Keeva and illoha were walking to the globe room to check on keori's progress•

Keeva:"hey keori, how's it going with the disguise?"

Keori:"great, actually.. I might actually finish it quicker than I originally thought..."

Illoha:"that's great, perfect timing too. We have the plan figured out..tho, we're missing something that I don't want to have to be the one to get..."

Keori:"that being..?"

Keeva:"remember when Bonnie Freddy came over unexpectedly for a visit..."

Keori:"what do we need him for..."

Keeva:"if we can get him to play the part of evil Freddy, then he could possibly clear out any guards and make getting to them a bit quicker before the real Freddy finds us out"

Keori:"what would the disguise be for, then?"

Illoha:"chica is way smarter than evil Bonnie so if he goes onto that ship without his armer on them she'll probably find him out and kill him on the spot.."

Keeva:"and we don't want that..."

Keori:"neither would Bonnie.."

|Foxy walked into the globe room, hearing their plans for Freddy|

Foxy:"if that's what you guys are planning on doing then who's gonna get him?"

'they all thought for a moment as none of them had thought of who would retrieve him or even convince him to come'

Illoha:"who wants to pull a bitch move on Dex..?" 'she gave with a grin'

Foxy:"what are you planning?"

Illoha:"well, Dex has never met Bonnie's Freddy, so what if we had dex get him just for the hell of it."

Foxy:"why would we do that.."

Keori:"if it gives you any better reason, he did try to flirt with me the other day..."

Foxy:"fucking do it" 'he gave almost instantly with a strict sounding tone'

Keeva:"did he really flirt with you?" 'she whispered to keori'

Keori:"maybe.., it was yesterday and I wasn't paying attention. All I heard him ask was if I wanted to spend time with him in private so I sorta assumed it was flirting" 'she whispered back'

Keeva:"oh, hell no..."

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