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"You may kiss your husband." the priest announced as the couple kissed each other, blushing madly. Their flushed cheeks were already soaked with leaking tears of happiness. Their eyes held many unsaid emotions and promises for the future.

The guests were looking at them with different looks; some were envious of their happiness whereas some were looking at them adoringly. Teenagers were looking at them with a wide smile adoring their faces - wishing for a handsome groom or bride like them for themselves.

The crowd applauded when the couple unlocked their lips, Shy smile bloomed on their faces, avoiding eye contact with each other they sat on the sofa as the photographer clicked the pictures of them with their relatives, friends and family.

After two hours of smiling constantly, the couple took blessings from their elders and parted their ways to their new home - which was gifted by their parents. Everyone parted their ways to different destinations; the sky turned to an ash grey color as the cold wind blew. The weather changed in seconds as the rain started pouring heavily as if the clouds were crying in agony.

The mafia left the venue the second his brother's car drove to their home. He doesn't do social gatherings but he would not avoid his brother's wedding just because of his problems.

The wedding was arranged on Jeju Island because that was the place where Namjoon and Seokjin met each other for the first time. They dated for almost 4 years and decided to take vows on their 5 anniversary.

Namjoon has always been the intelligent one from the start, so their father left the position of the CEO as soon as Namjoon turned 21.

Jeon Jungkook was adopted by Namjoon's parents when he was 13. Whatever he has now it's credit goes to Mr. Kim Nam suk. Mr. Kim was the most powerful underground mafia and a businessman during his time. He managed both mafia and business at the same time. And when jungkook and namjoon grew old enough, they started training for their particular goals. Mr. Kim never forced them to choose anything, it was their choice.

Namjoon became the CEO of kim corporations 10 years ago and after 2 years of him being CEO, an incident happened which changed their lives.

The cheerful kim family is now standing on the ashes of what it used to be.

Jungkook became the most feared mafia, feared by everyone.He chose this life for himself, because to achieve something bigger he needed to be strong and powerful.

Jungkook was happy for his brother. And his brother knew that. Even though there is not a single lift of his rosy lips for a second during the whole wedding, his brother knew that the mafia was happy. It has been almost a week since the mafia boss came back to Korea. This was the first time he came back to Korea after 7 years.

Only a week has passed yet his heart was itching to go back to Italy. He can burn the whole Seoul into ashes, but she loved Seoul.

Seoul stands for his endless pain caused by everything that is snatched away from him.

His brother knew that he would not stay a minute in Korea after his wedding, so he pleaded with the mafia to come a week ago.

"Book me a flight back to Italy, Jimin."

He sat on the passenger seat as Jimin started the ignition of Mercedes AMG GT 4 door coupe owned by the mafia himself.

"O-oh okay." The blonde mumbled as he turned on the glass wipers to clear the view of the road while driving towards the mafia's dad's house. Jungkook loosened his tie as his eyes adverts towards the window trailing the way rain was pouring drop by drop on the window.

There was not a single sound of anything apart from their breathing and glass wipers.
Jimin is not a silent person. Hell he can't stay without chattering for hours. But his demeanor changes whenever he is with jungkook.

The silence was not awkward but it wasn't comfortable either but what can we even expect from the mafia boss with a scary aura? Nothing.

"When will you come back again?",

Jimin's concerned filled eyes met the mafia's stern gaze which flickered with an unknown emotion at the sudden question, but the emotion went away the next second as if it was never there in the first place. Ignoring his question Jungkook grabbed the beer can form the mini fridge which was placed between the back seats.

Opening the can, he drank the liquor in big gulps.

He preferred whiskey or Scotches because beer is too bland for him. He has to tell yugyeom to change the contents of the car fridge according to his liking from now on.

This question will be ignored.


Even if Jimin tries for a millionth time - he had always received painful silence. Sometimes it scares Jimin to the core, this painful silence which his best friend has embraced for years now. His eyes held worry for the ravenette but the mafia turns blind to all his concern and emotions.

It has been years, since he saw his best friend smile. Nobody knows the deepest part of Jungkook except for him. Jungkook's silence scares him to the core but he knows that he can never be the light in Jungkook's dark world. He loved him secretly for years now, even though he knows that he is just a mere friend in Jungkook's eyes.

"Where does Mr. Kim wants me?"

He never addressed Mr. Kim as appa, dad or father.

Nobody knows the reason why. And nobody ever asked him and he felt glad about it. There is a reason about it but he is not ready to talk about it or you can say he try to avoid talking too much.

He doesn't even remember when was the last time he talked to someone who was not afraid of him apart from his family. Even though his family is not afraid of him - because they knows that jungkook loves em, but still they talk very carefully around him. And he doesn't like that.

He never became what he is today willingly or to scare his family. But he never voiced it out in hope that someone will understand his craving for normal behaviours, chattings.

But no one did.

He just wants to live like a normal person.

He doesn't want the innocents to fear him.

But every time he doesn't think about it too much, he doesn't deserve normal treatment after all his doings.

Mr. Kim respected his choice and never questioned it once. Everyone understands his decisions after all he respected them from his heart.

His heart may be made of stone but it beats for his family.

Blood related or not, his family is his everything. And he can burn the whole world and tear everyone one by one, if anyone laid a finger on them.

It has been only some hours since he last saw his dad. And the sudden meeting has irked him, yet he didn't let the confusion show on his chiseled face.

The reply was almost inaudible. Yet the clenching of fist and the crumpling of almost empty beer can showed something else. Thunder boomed and the cloud turned into an angry shade of grey, pitter patter sound of the rain, and the honking of several cars didn't help the ravenette to escape the turmoil of his thoughts.

After all he is going where it all started,


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