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Third person's pov:

Was his decision to bring Yeontan, with them to their new house too much? Taehyung thought as he scratched beneath the ears of Yeontan who was lying on his lap, almost on the verge of dozing off by the gentle massage.

Taehyung sighed, it has been a week since he married Jungkook and Jungkook hasn't returned home. Nobody knows about his departure and where he departed to. And he doesn't even know the reason, why Jungkook hasn't returned.

That day after picking up tannie from hosoeks' Jungkook was driving towards their new house which is in Seoul, still in a bad mood, and when they reached Taehyung was quick to open the gate, and jump out of the car and when he was entering he saw Jungkook on a call with someone. Thinking he will come around he came inside.

But he never came. And now Taehyung is getting tensed. He had called somi and when he was about to ask about Jungkook, somi suddenly asked about Jungkook, so when he told her everything, she laughed at first and said Jungkook wouldn't have left them alone for such a silly argument. She said that maybe he got stuck in some mission or something. Talking for a bit more she told him about how Jin and Namjoon left for Seoul, along with Jennie.

Taehyung didn't knew they all live in Seoul. Even his company's main headquarters are in Seoul, still he lived in that Daegu apartment. His grandfather said that he would not want Taehyung to live somewhere far from his family any more because Taehyung got a lot skinny according to him when he went for studies in abroad. Even after Taehyung has told him that it is not skinny it is muscular, so his grandfather retorted that he will throw all his proteins and gym equipment if he will not listen to him. so Taehyung had to say in Daegu, forcefully.

And now when he is a married man his grandfather had no problem now, even though he is still living alone like he did before, because he doesn't know where is husband is.

Somi said taehyung to not to worry or anything which in Taehyung's opinion is fully pointless. How can he not be worried, Jungkook is his husband, but he didn't know what to say to her so he just hummed.

He never knew Jungkook because even in his college he was just a mystery.

After their first meeting in the uni, Taehyung got to know that Jungkook was studying photography. He started noticing Jungkook more, he usually found him in the Library, in the basketball court and sometime in the gym. But suddenly one day Jungkook just disappeared. It was 3 months after their first' meeting encounter.

Taehyung tried to look for his socials, but there was none. He searched almost 100 possible usernames, but none of them was Jungkook, so at the end he just gave up.

And he is feeling the same right now. What if Jungkook suddenly disappears again.

The sudden notification made Taehyung stop his movements of his hand on tannie who was fast asleep.
Today was Sunday, so he was home.

Hosoek Hyung : Boss, wanna attend this party of my friend?

Me : I think I'm gonna pass tonight.

Hosoek Hyung: oh alright :⁠^⁠)

He is not in a mood for any type of social gatherings right now. He stood up after placing Tannie on the couch, making his way towards the master bedroom. He went towards the wardrobe and stood there eyeing the clothes, while putting hand on his hips.

Eyeing the clothes for few minutes, he just shrugged and grabbed the large Black hoodie and his boxers, and his ripped blue jeans.

He sniffed the hoodie a little, smiling a little he made his way towards the bathroom to have a nice shower.

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