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Third person's pov :

Jungkook doesn't know how he ended up like this.

All he knew, is that he was there for revenge.

And he didn't take revenge, he snatched it.

After all these years, whatever he was craving, he finally full filled his desire.
He killed them. He killed all of those bastards. After years of planning, he finally ended it. He was sure he had killed everyone during the mission. But he forgot that money makes people blinds and people forget about their blood relations just like his uncle.


He was the one who shot him. He is sure because he saw him laughing evily before blacking out. He knows that junghyun must be dead by now. But what made him wonder is that how come he is alive.

Because he clearly remembers turning on the timer of the bombs his men has placed around the mansion of the murders. Which was supposed to blast in 50 minutes. And Jungkook needed to come out of the mansion in 45 minutes of he wanted to survive.

And if he is not wrong he clearly remembers that he saw 42 minutes was already over and the next minute he knew was that a scorching pain in his right shoulder. And red blood dripping down his arm.

He soon blacked out. But the last person he thought about after closing his eyes were Taehyung.

And now here he is.

In a bright lit hospital room. and the first thing he saw when he woke up is his husband who is clutching on his hand as if this life depends on it.

Today he feels light. After killing all those men, he feels like the purpose of his life is complete and if you will kill him right now, he will die without having any regrets, but what confused him is that when earlier he was on the verge of dying, why did Taehyung's face flashed in his mind?

He sighed heavily as he glanced at the click which displayed 5 in the morning. He tried to remove his hand from the death grip of his husband, who mumbled something incoherently before placing his head on top of his arm.


Jungkook didn't even notice but this action made his lips curl upwards automatically in a small smile.

It has been 8 years since he has smiled genuinely.

Evil smirks, eerie laugh are not considered as smiling or laughing genuinely.

He stopped smiling and enjoying his life because God snatched away his sister.

But now without even his knowledge he is smiling because the same God now gave him a reason to smile.

He didn't tried anymore to free his arm. As he himself closed his eyes and dozed off.


The clicking of the photo made Jungkook startled who just dozed off an hour ago again, only to open his eyes and see Jin whose hairs were sticking out in every direction, holding a phone as a light smile was placed on his mouth.

"Oh, sorry for waking you up kook. You two were looking too cute. By the way how is your arm? Wait let me just call the doctor." before Jungkook could've stopped him, he already dashed out of the hospital room.

It didn't take Jin more than five minutes and he was back with the Doctor.

The doctor checked his pulse and did some more things,

"Any dizziness?" Jungkook shook his head but a little later he spoke,

"My shoulder is hurting." the doctor nodded as he injected him an injection.

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