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Third person's pov:

Jimin is never gonna fall in love again. At least that's what he reminds himself of, every time he sees Jungkook. Jungkook is a married man now and Jimin will not be the one who's gonna fuck up someone's married life.

That's why he is here, sitting on a plane which was ready to take off.

He is going to Tokyo, Japan.

For good.

"Sir, would you like to have any of the beverages?" The air hostess politely smiled as she stopped on her track beside Jimin's seat.

Jimin eyes the trolley to find something drinkable.

"Is whiskey available?" Jimin asked innocently whereas the lady looked at him like he was a lost cause,

"Uh, actually it is not here currently but if you would like to wait for sometime, We can arrange it." She said giving a tight lipped smile as Jimin gave a thumbs up to her, and she was quick to leave.

Jimin closed his eyes after sending a message to seokjin about his departure so that anyone wouldn't be worried about him. He is not gonna be back in Korea soon. He knows that. Because he is not that petty. He can't love someone who is of anyone else.

He is going to move on from Jungkook and do some of the business. And maybe live a life like a normal person.

As long as he remembers his life has always revolved around guns, blood, missions, money. But after thinking a lot, he thinks this break, maybe it is gonna be helpful for him.

Soon after fifteen minutes his drink was there, and he sipped on it while scrolling through internet.

The flight was ready to board but some passengers were still not there, like his neighbour seat was empty for example. Jimin shook his head tsking at the careless behaviour of people.

Soon someone sat beside him whereas he didn't bother to look as he sipped his drink in silence.

"What a surprise....cutie!" jimin closed his eyes shut at the annoying voice of his nightmare, min yoongi.

'why am I always stuck with him? WHY GOD WHY?!'

"What are you doing here, Mr. Min?" Jimin asked sarcastically to the male who just wore his seatbelt and removed his mask.

The sickening sweet sugar coated voice and that fake smile plastered on Jimin's face made him chuckle as he took out his iPad.

"Well, I'm here to perform!" yoongi retorted smirking back as Jimin mimicked his face before muttering a bitch.

Gulping the last bit of his drink he kept the glass aside as he sighed loudly.



Silence again.

For 15 minutes straight.

This piqued Jimin's interest who was lying with his eyes closed. He opened his left eye a Lil bit only to find Yoongi engrossed into something with his brows furrowed.

His eyes glinted mischievously as his lips curled into a smirk.

"So Mr. Min what do you do?" Jimin asked mindlessly still smirking.

"I sing." Jimin hummed when yoongi replied without even lifting his eyes from his iPad.

"Where are you going by the way?" Jimin asked again,

"Wherever you are going." Jimin nodded his head in acknowledgement but the sudden lack of interest by yoongi made him confused.

Jimin's brows furrowed.

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