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Third person's pov

Musky, lavender and woodsy scent entered into Taehyung's nostrils as he stepped inside the mafia's room. Hands clutching the piece of fabrics which felt silky in his slightly rough palms, in taking the familiar scent he skipped towards the walk-in closet. Clutching he opened the doors, as his eyes raked over the familiar closet, in which he had entered after months. He loved this closet. It gave him old money vibes and he is a sucker for them.

Folding the tank top and the white button up shirt, he gently placed them in the drawer, as he stood there for a moment, taking steady breath, a hint of smile playing on his lips. Twirling around he gazed at himself in the giant mirror which was attached to the dark coloured wall. He eyed his frame, a white t-shirt hiding his not so muscular frame along with a pair of black sweatpants. His fluffy chocolate brown hairs were tucked back with the help of a grey band. Some strands were falling out of its hold, falling in front of his eyes and beside his ear, as a little pout was adored in his pink juicy lips.

It has been a week since the mafia left, and Taehyung is missing him. He is busy most of the time, but times like this - when he comes back home from his company at night, he misses his husband's presence. Even if Jungkook was almost invisible most of the time, but deep down he had this satisfaction that Jungkook is here only. He knows he gets attached to people easily, because if you are not fed love on a silver spoon, you learn to lick it off knives. And this is about Jungkook, even though he showed anything but affection towards the CEO, he can't help his heart. His heart gets attached to people so easily, because he still loves his father deep down, who left no stone unturned in degrading his own son.

When Taehyung can love his own father who does not even deserve to be called as one, so how can he not fall for someone who is Jungkook. He knows that Jungkook never showed any affection or anything towards him, but he was prepared for this only. When somi said that he will need to give some time to Jungkook so that he can warm up, he knows what he will have to deal with. At that time, he was surely confused, but the second his eyes landed on the Mafia - he understood that it was not going to be easy. Because even years ago maybe it was just an infatuation, but now when he got married to the same man he fell in love with once, he left it all on destiny.

Because if it was not the red string of fate, then how is he living in the house of a boy with whom he wanted something more than just a love at first?

When Jungkook disappeared from college, that day he accepted that maybe they were not meant to end up together.

But now he is not going to leave his husband alone, maybe he is just a mere responsibility to his husband, but to him - Jungkook is his everything.

He is all he has now.


The shrill ringing of the door bell from downstairs made Taehyung halt in his actions, closing the drawer and turning on his steps back, he exited the closet of Jungkook, closing the gate of his room behind him, he didn't took long more than a minute in trailing downstairs towards the main door.

With slightly furrowed brows, thinking deeply about who could be the one who will be ringing at his home at this time, he silently twisted the knob and turned open the gate.

A bunch of lavender flowers came into his view first, and it didn't take long for his lips to morph in a slight smile and he tilted his head a little to catch a glimpse of the visitor.

"Hobi?!" A laugh escaped his lips when the visitor removed the bouquet out of his face,  as his eyes sparkled after meeting his old friend plus secretary after months.

"How are you doing? Boss!" Hosoek latched on to Taehyung, hugging him sideways, as he laughed along with his boss who looked at him with shiny eyes.

"I-i am fine! You took so long to meet me." A whiny sound left Taehyung's lips, as he closed the door afterwards when hosoek finally entered his home, slipping out of his sneakers.

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