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Third person pov:

Cold breeze made his nose a little rosy as he lied on the sofa. It has been an hour since he has ran out of the meeting room. To calm his running thoughts he even took a shower. But nowadays there is no escape for him; he can't able to push away his thoughts.

He hates it.

He hates being an over thinker.

He is marrying tomorrow, to someone whom he didn't even saw properly. Whose name he doesn't know, whom he doesn't know. He doesn't know if he is marrying Jungkook with his consent or he is being forced. If he wanted he would've talked to him at least. But he was afraid, he was afraid of his reaction.

He doesn't lift his eyes from the table to his soon to be husband not because he doesn't care, he care. But he was afraid that what if those eyes will contain fear for the mafia. He doesn't want his husband to hate him or fear him. But what he did today, will surely made him hate the mafia? Didn't it?

His ears perked up when clicking sound of shoes resonated towards him, as he turned to look at the intruder.

There stood namjoon leaning on the door fame of the balcony, as a hint of smile made his dimples slightly appear.

"Care to share a bit of your thoughts Mr. Jeon?" Namjoon playfully said as he sat beside Jungkook and lit up a cigarette from the table beside the astray. He lit up another for Jungkook who accepted it without hesitation.

After taking a whiff of toxic smoke, Jungkook leaned back on the couch, letting his head fall on the head rest,

"hyung, what do you think about my marriage?" Jungkook whispered loud enough for Namjoon to hear who snorted at the question from the mafia, previously when jimin uttered to him about the weird behaviour of the mafia he didn't believed him. But now he is also curious about what led to the sudden change in him.

Even though the change is not so obvious but if you know Jungkook like his family does. You will freak out.

"Umm, it is a good thing. You will finally have someone, to whom you can share your thoughts, miseries, happiness, sadness. It is a best feeling to come back home for someone. When I started dating jin, I became the happiest."

"And Taehyung is a nice guy. He is caring, handsome and intelligent." Jungkook's brows furrowed as he took another whiff of cigarette.

"Taehyung? Who is Taehyung?" Namjoon looked at him, no more like glared at him. Jungkook's dumbfounded expression made namjoon facepalm.

Too much for a changed Jungkook.

"So you are telling me you don't know who Taehyung is? For real?"
Jungkook shook his head in denial and namjoon sighed. He is so done with Jungkook.

"Taehyung is the one with whom you are getting married, brother." Jungkook stilled then nodded his head in acknowledgement.

Namjoon started at him.

"What?" Jungkook asked as Namjoon sighed heavily.

"You are not gonna ask anything about Taehyung I got it. But for the sake of humanity, I'm gonna tell you some basic information about your fiance."

"His full name is Kim Taehyung, 27 years old. Son of Min jaehwa and Kim jihye. His mother is no more and his dad doesn't keep in touch with him. He is the CEO of Kim corp., He used to live with Mr. Minsuk but after coming back from abroad he bought his own penthouse. Now he lives alone." Namjoon completed his sentence with a huff as he disposed the bud of his cigarette into the ashtray.

"Give it a shot Jungkook, because if I'm not wrong you both will make the best couple; after me and jin ofcourse. Just go with the flow, don't stop yourself from making new relationships. Try to make it work and if does work, I promise you, all of your miseries will not matter anymore." Namjoon smiled a last time, before he exited his room.

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