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Third person's pov

Jimin is feeling ecstatic.

Today after working for weeks, in the cafe, he is going to resign. After all today will be the day when he can go in the cafe while wearing his bad boy clothes and not some 'I am soft, don't touch me' ones.

The task which Namjoon gave him, he successfully completed. In these days he did things, he never once in his life has imagined. He learnt to make different types of coffee - almost every which was on the menu. He watered the small shrubs and plants which were planted around the cafe. He didn't do it willingly, it was a part of his job. And the way bam bam has applied for his job in the cafe, everyone looks at him with pity, because according to them jimin is an orphan boy, who is working very hard to make his ends meet.

So bam bam being bam bam took all of the job offers which are available to do in the cafe not realising he will have to face Jimin's wrath.

When jimin got to know that apart from brewing coffee or watering the plants, he will have to be a waiter, and last but not least - he will have to wash the car of the owner. Jimin was frustrated.

So when pissed off jimin went home, the first thing he did was he chopped off all the hair of his dear friend bam bam - who had become a rival according to Jimin, when he was asleep.

The screech that bam bam left out after watching his brand new not so cool buzz cut was hilarious, that even his neighbour came out of their apartment, to check if bam bam is okay or not.

So, now he is going back to the cafe to resign. But that's not why everyone is turning their heads to take a look at him, it is because the 'soft baby chim' is no more softy if you will look at him right now.

 But that's not why everyone is turning their heads to take a look at him, it is because the 'soft baby chim' is no more softy if you will look at him right now

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It is because of his appearance. The way his slightly wet newly dyed blonde hair was falling on his face, or the way his eyes do not contain the fake facade of softness, are emitting raw dominance and power. With every step his built figure was taking is enough for the teenage girl's jaw to touch the floor.

He knows that there was no need for him to show himself here, when he could have resigned by a mere call to bam bam. But he wanted to do something very important today.

The owner's eyes flew wide when jimin asked about resignation, and the owner was to flabbergasted to utter a single word.
Signing the papers, he quickly threw a wink towards the orange head, who was looking at him with mouth open wide.
Smirking at his reaction, a low chuckle left his mouth.

'just some seconds more!'

"Can I get a double espresso with no sugar?!" He husked out to the orange head who was on the verge of passing out with every movement of Jimin.


"Hey, did jimin not come on his shift today?" Jackson walked inside of the cafe as the bell chimed, whereas Jimin's lips curled into a mischievous smirk.

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