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Third person's pov

Jungkook eyed the watch and looked around in the almost empty hallway. Namjoon and Jin left along with almost most of the visitors. It is half past one, and almost everyone is leaving.

And he wants to leave too.

Walking towards the counter he searched for Taehyung who is nowhere to be found, for an hour. He almost looked everywhere and the drinks counter is the only place he can think of looking for Taehyung.

He called him almost ten times now, but he didn't pick up.

Sighing again he dialed the number, walking towards the corridors he looked in the rooms one by one.
But all his searching in the rooms etcetera left him empty handed.

Walking out of the corridors he halted suddenly, he clicked his tongue when a sudden thought passed his mind.

'I didn't checked the terrace'

He ascended the stairs still holding the phone in his hands, upon reaching the rooftop, his ears picked up a faint sound coming from the far end.

Closing the door behind himself he walked to the other side of the terrace, and his steps came to cease, when he looked at the sight only to get mesmerized by it.

There was Taehyung laying in one of the couches, that were placed. The phone ringing beside him, whereas he was mumbling along the lyrics of the ringtone. Not bothering to pick it up.

Shaking his head, Jungkook walked towards him, eyeing his position. Taehyung was sprawled on the sofa with his one leg on the headrest whereas another one on the armrest. Two empty bottles of what seemed like wine bottles, were kept in front of him on the table.

"Why are you not picking up my phone, Taehyung?!" Jungkook asked while folding his arms in front of his chest.

Taehyung stilled, and then he slowly twisted his neck looking directly in Jungkook's eyes, and then a gasp left his mouth.

"Oh damn papiiii, weeere you calling meee~" Taehyung slurred the words out, a low giggle left his lips as he slowly stood up, stumbling a little.

'p-papi? Who?'

Jungkook's frown disappeared when he connected the dots.

Taehyung's disheveled appearance, wine bottles, the visible stumbling and not to forget about the last unholy name his sinful lips, had uttered out.

"How much did you drink Taehyung?"

Taehyung showed him five fingers,
"Two bottles, hyung!"

And Jungkook's face darkened in a second, pupils blew wide.

Taehyung looks like a sin. The way his wet tongue glided over his bottom lips, moisturizing it, as the saliva shined in the moon light. The way he looked at Jungkook with hooded and drunk eyes, something unknown swirling in them. The way moonlight made his prominent chiseled face alluring.

And the way he just called Jungkook, hyung.

And Jungkook wouldn't lie, that hyung from Taehyung's mouth sounded so seductive and sweet, at the same time.
He don't think so he can ever forget this moment.

"Let's go, hmm?" Jungkook asked totally not falling for the sinful thoughts.

"I don't wanna, my legs hurrttt." a pout managed his way to Taehyung's lips, as he whined. Fucking whined. A 27 year old Lad, who is capable of doing god knows what and a CEO of a biggest company, whined.

Before Jungkook can think anything else, Taehyung walked towards him, so close that again this night, he can again smell the addictive scent emitting from Taehyung. And this is not just the perfume, it is Taehyung's natural scent mixed with it.

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