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Third person's pov

"We need to go to Jeon mansion tomorrow, they are handing over the empire to Jungkook ----finally!" Namjoon said to jin who just lied on his side of bed.

"Finally those old hags gained some brain." Jin scoffed scooting closer to Namjoon who chuckled lowly.

Few weeks has passed since the incident. Namjoon and Jin constantly visited Taehyung and Jungkook's mansion on alternate days. Mr. and Mrs. Kim left for daegu yesterday because there was something they needed to do. What could be they doing - namjoon and jin pondered on for sometime but soon shrugged it off.

"Joon, do you think they are gonna work out? I'm seeing no progress." jin's eyebrows furrowed, he quickly placed his head on Namjoon's shoulder.

Tangling his fingers in Namjoon's hair, he placed his head on the buff chest of namjoon, and he felt him heaving a sigh.

"Everything takes time darling. See where are we now? When I first met you, you were angry at me." Jin's lips curled in a smile as he rolled his eyes, tilting his head towards Namjoon, he spoke,

"Yah! How would I had reacted huh? You basically crashed your car into my favourite pink Mercedes. And then you didn't even apologised." Playfully hitting on his toned pecs he snuggled more into the comfortable body of his husband, still running his hands into the hair.

"I-I recently got my driving licence at that time, and I was late to a meeting, and don't blame on me. You STALKED me, just to listen a mere sorry and ranting about how much you love pink." Namjoon laughed when his husband whined.

After a little more teasing and playfully hitting each other, both find themselves tired as Namjoon pulled the duvets up, covering jin - who was on the verge of dozing off.

"I just hope good for them. Jungkook has suffered a lot, oh God please make the couple happy. I want my Jungkookie back." closing his eyes he drifted off to sleep, cuddling his husband close to his heart.



Jungkook can feel it.

And how naive is the stalker to think that the mafia who is ruling the underworld didn't noticed it yet.

There has been times like this, where he pretended to not too notice pair of eyes trailing his activities. It made him think that are the people too oblivious or whether he is too observative?

He was walking out of the cemetery when a not so common man emerged out of the alley. ignoring it he walked towards his mansion which was not so far. his arm is healing, and he is facing problems but he is not disable and people need to know this. He is very much capable of doing things of his own.

Because this is not the first time he has been shot or this is not the first time he is in pain. And those whoever thinks that he can't protect himself from such stalkers, doesn't know him.

They don't know Jeon Jungkook. Because how the hell they will know someone, who himself doesn't want to know his desires. His need. His want.

He ignores everyone mostly. And now he is ignoring his husband also, who has nothing been but sweet towards him. He avoid him as much as he could. He doesn't stay at the mansion during daytime, too busy in thinking while sitting on the office chair of Namjoon, who isn't bothered by this behaviour at all. Namjoon finds it amusing that how his brother is at his company before him, and works on his MacBook, all day and talks with him here and there.

Jungkook doesn't know what he is doing anymore, when his mother talked to him, he listened to her. And he started to atleast act like his old self. But it is feeling forced. He was totally along in his mansion in italy. Nobody was there with whom he can talk. And now when he is married, has a husband, he feels as if he doesn't belong here.

It is overwhelming.

This feeling, when you are constantly surrounded by people and yet you don't talk to them. He isn't doing it on purpose - if we ignore the avoiding Taehyung mission, it is just it has been years since he has let anyone inside his comfort zone. And when he was in rome, during the staring, he wanted his family -so that he can talk to them. Tell them how he feels. But now when he is used to being all alone, he has everyone.

It is scary.

It feels like he is taking every thing for granted. And he doesn't deserve this at all. Why would he, someone who killed hundreds of man, did illegal things, who couldn't protect his own sister, who doesn't know who killed his parents -- why would anyone want to love him. How can he deserve Namjoon, a brother who loves him like he is his own brother, somi, who adores him as her own son - she even loved him more than namjoon. Namsuk, who is an epitome of greatness, loves him.

And he is frustrated, that why can't he just accept everyone's love and love them back, without thinking of what, why, how?

But this is how he is. Broken in a million pieces and if anyone wants to adore him, he would worry about why would anyone want to adore him - someone who is shattered, whose soul is dead. Who died years ago but yet he is alive.

"Who sent you?" His steps halted after he had uttered these three words. The follower's eyes blew wide, freezing on his previous position he eyed his surrounding, people were roaming around, but still it didn't stop him from clutching the gun he had hidden inside his blazer.

Jungkook didn't took more than a second in turning around as he exhaled out. It has been snowing this week. 3 days ago last snowed so the streets were still covered in snow. He slid his hands inside the overcoat he was wearing. Eyeing the man up and down, he let out a light scoff.
It was so cold yet the stalker was sweating, guess it is his first time stalking someone as dangerous as the mafia.

"I-i am not following you......I was just heading to the Starbucks." the man mumbled out loud as he tried to pass by the ravenette, nobody was paying heed to them, and it made Jungkook's job easier. He grabbed the man's hand before he could stomp any further.

"I'm asking again, who sent you." the man's blood ran cold and he snatched away his hand from the mafia. His hand moved inside his blazer in milliseconds, and he stilled completely. He can feel his own heartbeat as he again rechecked, only to left shocked, silently turning towards the mafia.

He gasped .

Jungkook was twirling his gun with the other hand, hidden from people's eyes.

"P-please leave me-e, I was j-just doing what my b-boss asked.... i-i have a daughter sir p-please." the stranger clasped his hands in front of the mafia who looked at him with neutral expression.

"Who.sent.you?" Jungkook gritted his teeth, harshly grabbing the shoulder he shook him a bit, a lazy smirk appeared on his face when the stranger trembled with fear but it didn't take long before his gaze darkened.

"L-luciano vio-viola."

A/n: sorry for the late update....this is a short chapter. Long chapters are on the way and uhmmmmm I was busy writing something else so....I'm kinda excited for that thing. It is a taekook short story thingy....? Or something like one shot.

I will publish it soon.

Thank you for reading.


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