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Third person's pov:

"Don't worry Eomma, I will take care of him." Taehyung said as he grabbed the bag filled with Jungkook's medicines and bandages etcetera. He opened the door of the back seat of his car and placed the bag there, as he opened the passenger seat's door where Jungkook sat down slowly.

It has been 5 days since the incident, and today the doctor discharged him, Taehyung himself sat on the driver seat as Namjoon helped Jungkook in wearing his seatbelt, after saying goodbye Taehyung drove off towards their penthouse.

From the corner of the eye, he saw Jungkook shifting a little bit,

"Is the seatbelt too tight? Should I loosen it a bit." Taehyung asked when Jungkook grunted as little.

He parked the car to the side, and stopped the engine. He didn't wait for Jungkook's response, as he leaned towards Jungkook, and started loosening the seatbelt it didn't take long, as he checked the tightness of the seatbelt again.

It was ok so he looked at Jungkook for confirmation.

Big mistake.

He forgot that while helping him, he came so close to Jungkook's face that he can feel fresh minty breath on his lips.

When Taehyung looked at Jungkook, Jungkook was already looking at him intently.

Taehyung was lost, lost in the eyes of Jungkook which showed galaxies and stars. The way his doe eyes sparkled in the lights.

Something in Taehyung snapped as he backed away hastily coughing a little.

'what the fuck was that Kim?'.

His thoughts got interrupted as his phone rang. He quickly placed it on his ear when he saw the caller ID,

"Yes, dr. Park?"

"Mr. Jeon, the medicines are different than the ones we gave to Mr. Jeon at hospital, so I wanted to let you know that Mr. Jeon will not feel anymore sleepy again. And if you see any other unusual symptoms , please give me a call."

"Oh sure, doctor. Thank you so much again." Taehyung kept the phone on the cabinet as he revved up the engine.

"Why did the doctor called?" Jungkook asked as he looked out of the window.

"He said that your prescription has changed, and you will no longer be sleeping all day." Taehyung uttered, driving smoothly.

It was the truth, Jungkook has been sleeping half of the day and whole night last five days, awake only for some hours. Doctor said that sleeping will help him in healing faster and he will be no longer in much pain.

Everyone was there during the five days, but Taehyung needed to do up and down in hospital. He went to his company and told hosoek to postpone all of his meetings and schedules for a month, as hosoek will manage the ones which don't need his presence.

Then he went back to their home to freshen up and brought fresh clothes for Jungkook on a daily basis. Mr. And Mrs. Kim visited Jungkook every day and stayed for almost the whole day but taehyung was the one who ushered them back at night when they asked him if they could sleep in the hospital at night, so that Taehyung can have some rest at home.

Taehyung uttered a big NO.

Taehyung isn't annoyed or anything. Jungkook is his husband and it is his responsibility to help him and take care of him. He doesn't take it as a burden, he is more than Happy doing this.

Parking the car in their house, Taehyung exited the car to open the door of the passenger's seat.

Opening the gate, he bent towards Jungkook and helped him with the seat belt, he hosted Jungkook up grabbing his non injured hand. After grabbing the bag which contained Jungkook's necessities they both walked towards the door.

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