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Third person's pov

The sunlight seeps through the dark grey curtains, as the brunette groaned heavily. Rolling on the colder side of the bed he hissed. It is starting to get colder nowadays. He again turned back to his previous position, trying his best to ignore the rays of sunlight which are falling on his eyes directly.

He hates this. The rooms in which the window is just beside the bed. It makes him sometimes wonder, if the architect has any personal grudges with his family members. So maybe he intentionally built this window.

Soon a ticklish sensation from his feet, made him squeeze his eyes tightly. He clenched his fist and removed the covers from his body.

The struggle is real.

The cool air from the air conditioner hit him directly at his bare stomach because his tshirt was not covering his skin.

A wet thing swiped with his sole and his eyes flew open. Groaning and mumbling coherent curses, he sat up on the bed and looked at the thing which never lets him sleep.

"I swear to god Tan, I will leave you in an orphanage, if you will keep up with this annoying habit of yours" Yeontan tilted his head, wiggling his tail not understanding the threat his appa has thrown right now.

Whining loudly, he went inside the bathroom, lazily. Yeontan following him inside.

Brushing his teeth, he halted for a second before he continued his movements.

He stilled when the events from yesterday flashed before his eyes. The way he drank away, when his father insulted him infront of Jungkook.

It was not the first time his dad has degraded him, during an event if he attends the same one as Taehyung. It happens way too often because unfortunately they are on the same boat. Both are business man.

His eyebrows furrowed, when his thoughts went way too far.

'yesterday, it wasn't a business party. It was totally related to mafias. So why does his father was there?'

Things does not seem right. Because it is not normal to find decent ceo's in the party like these, when they are not related to them at all. But who was he kidding? His father is anything but decent. And that's what irked him, he is not decent whatsoever he is a filthy man - who can do anything for his image. So why does he attend something dangerous as a mafia party.

A low chuckle left his mouth, here he is worrying about his father's whereabouts. Why did he attended a party like this or that? Whereas his father deals with his life, as if he is a toy.

The irony.

Trying not to spoil his already disturbed mood. He spitted out the remains of the toothpaste, rinsing his mouth thoroughly.

'Thanks god, it is my leave today'

Thinking about the upcoming business project, for which he will need to go abroad for about some days, he stood under the showerhead after stripping out of his clothes.

To get energized and have enough motivation to do his daily routine, he badly needs dopamine, and showers is the best thing he can think of at the moment.

He turned on the knob and squeezed out some shampoo in his palm, and started rubbing his scalp, a humm left from his mouth, when the cold water cascaded through his hair which was covered in foam. Rubbing the shower gel on his body, he inhaled deeply when the familiar strawberry scent invaded his nose.

If strawberry would have been a person, he would have married it already.

A chuckle left his mouth at the strange thoughts, and he turned his head when a bark resonated in the closed bathroom.

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