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Please read the author's note at the end of the chapter. It is IMPORTANT.

Third person's pov :

08 : 13 pm

His Rolex showed, as he shifted under the umbrella uncomfortably. It has been almost an hour since jungkook has entered into the graveyard and yet there is no sign of him coming out anytime soon.

The ping from his phone made him shift his eyes from the gate of the graveyard to the phone,

Jin hyung : where r u Chim? And where is kook? Appa is waiting for him.

His eyes unconsciously trailed to the gate again yet there was not a sign of jungkook, not even a silhouette of any person. He sighed heavily, his thoughts are leaving him restless but he can't do anything. He wants to take away the pain from his best friends' life.

'Does kook even consider me as his best friend now?'

They used to be best friends sine they were kids because Jimin used to live in Kim mansion with the Kim family. His father was a close friend of Mr. Kim since high school, but during a mission hi father died to save his best friend. Mr. Kim couldn't bear seeing his best friends family living alone which was very dangerous. So he asked Park Yoona to shift into Kim mansion along with her son.

Jimin was only 5 at that time, so he easily got attached to everyone in the Kim mansion. He has always been a bundle of happiness since childhood. After 10 years when Jungkook came, Jimin was a 15 year old teenage boy in his first year of high school. Jungkook, who was a very cute and shy kid, used to live in a bubble of his own world, barely talking to anyone except her.

Jimin got awestruck when he first saw the coconut head who was standing beside Mr. Kim looking at everyone with his slightly wide beautiful bambi eyes. it took him 3 years too become the friend of Jungkook. They lived together happily with the Kim family as they became the part of it eventually.

But now the Kim family is torn into pieces.

Only Mr. and Mrs. Kim lives in the Kim mansion at the moment. When Jungkook left Korea years ago, Jimin also left Kim Mansion. His mother was no more and he was living there for Jungkook, so when he left, he also left the mansion.

Jimin's mother had a weak heart since she was a kid, and even after many surgeries and treatments, the doctor couldn't promise her a long life. She was happy as long as her family was happy. But after her husband's death she started getting sick and eventually she took her last breath when Jimin turned 14.

Jimin mourned for years but the pain is still fresh as new. But he learned to embrace his broken heart, and he never let that pain outcome his happiness. And that's what her mother wanted from him. His happiness.

Namjoon left the Kim mansion because of the company. The main headquarters of the Kim Corps. were is Seoul, so it was very difficult to do all the work from Busan, so following his Family's advice, he shifted to Seoul. And when he started dating Seokjin he bought a beautiful condo and Since then Namjoon and Seokjin are living there.

Everyone reunites during festivals in Busan, because they know that the Kim couple doesn't like to spend their festivals without the kids.

Me : we are in Busan hyung. And Jungkook has been there for an hour hyung. what do I do?

Jin hyung : he will not come out anytime soon. Come home jimin. He will come back.

Me : but hyung

Jin hyung : stop hurting yourself chim. I told you that if he is coming back here for my wedding, that doesn't mean he will be back again.

Me : hmm.

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