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Jungkook's pov

"You think it is easy for me? Out of all these years which I think I've wasted on avenging someone who didn't need to be avenged? It is not easy Mr. Kim. I can't just go and pretend like this has not affected my life. I can't just accept the fact that my sister is alive. I need time." My voice boomed in the empty room consisting of Mr. Kim, Namjoon and me.

My eyes are numb as I stare at absolutely nothing yet everything. The tick tock of the clock resonates in the cold room. A deep inhale of breath is all it takes for me to look towards him; Mr. Kim stares at the ceiling, whereas my eyes are trained towards him.

"We can understand Jungkook. That is why I'm trying to tell you, that please don't run away from problems. Stay here and face them." My breath is steady, completely normal; feels like I'm unfazed. If anyone was a mind reader here would have known how the impact of my sister's memories, words, and sentences in my life; No one can understand that I died the day I heard that my sister is no more.

Don't run away? I should not, but I have no choice.

I can't face my demons here. Seoul was everything she loved and now that she is here, I don't think so I can handle Seoul anymore. I need air. I should go away. If not for forever; some years will do.

"I don't think I can do this." My voice was gruff, raw with emotions which I tried to conceal and I thought they were, but I was wrong. Being in the mafia taught me many things and one of them is showing emotions will get you nowhere; but if you are trying to gain empathy - that's a different case.

"Do what?" It was Namjoon this time.

"Stay here, in Seoul." I teared away the eye contact with my brother. I can't look at his eyes which are showing deep emotions and the one which is the leaking is sadness. It should not affect me. I'm a mafia boss. These emotions can't affect me.

Am I losing control over myself?

"How can you say this Jungkook?! You will not leave Seoul." There was distress in Mr. Kim's voice, I know. But it should not affect me. I'm tough and scary, I can't lose my composure over such things. I should not lose my Composure.

"I can't Mr. Kim." I looked directly in his eyes. His eyes flickered, a heave of deep breath followed by a deep sigh emitted by him which showed distress, displeasure? I don't know.

"Are you thinking of leaving taehyung here, in this state?" Mr. Kim's words made me halt in my steps.


A beautiful name made with 8 letters.

It never had any importance in my life until I got to know that my husband's name is also taehyung. Then how drastically the meaning of this name changed in my life is hilarious.

"And what about Taehyung?"

"He will be with me, because as seen in the past incidents I don't think so he will be safe here." My words were loud and clear and I didn't wait for their reaction.

I left the room.

My steps echoed in the silent condo, my head felt heavy as I maintained the neutral face. It is not difficult now, as I have been practicing it since years. It is enough for people to keep their mouth shut because I do not lover interactions. I do not enjoy being the centre of attention, well it is painfully tiring to be an introvert when you are a mafia because having a peaceful alone time or not having any conversations is out of the league.

My steps halted in front of my roo......our room. Everyone is at the condo right now, and it is not a great idea to show everyone, what our relationship is inside the four walls of the condo. No one needs to know, because I have married Taehyung, not everyone or their opinions.

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