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Third person's pov

The whole hall went silent when Jungkook entered in the Jeon mansion. Clicking of shoes can be heard by the whole crowd, as Jungkook elegantly walked inside, his hand wrapped around Taehyung's waist, showing every one to whom Taehyung belongs.

He doesn't know when he became this possessive, but he knows one thing for sure, that he can't handle those filthy Stares of old business men's on Taehyung.

He deathly glared to anyone who dared to check out his husband - up and down. Even though Jungkook has changed a little bit after coming from Italy, it doesn't means, his possesiveness or dominance had decreased even a bit.

Taehyung is his.

Poking his tongue in his inner cheek he guided Taehyung towards the bar, where Namjoon and Seokjin were standing, smiling at them.

"Took you both long enough?" Jin questions sipping on his champagne.

"What can I do hyung? Your brother takes years while trying to tie a tie, when in the end I had to do it eventually." Taehyung sassed, grabbing a glass of white wine from the counter. Jungkook looked at his husband who was going all sassy towards him, and smirked.

Jin laughed loudly and Namjoon chuckled.

And Jungkook walked away from them after grabbing a glass of gin,

Lips curled upwards in a lopsided grin.


Taehyung froze, when he saw the mafia smiling for the first time then though it is not a genuine one, but after watching his poker face 24/7, even lopsided grin feels like water to a thirsty man.

Taehyung almost choked and same goes to the Namjin couple whose eyes blew wide.

"Namjoon, don't tell me Jungkook just grinned."

"H-he did." Namjoon uttered still shocked. Whereas Taehyung drank the crystal clear liquid whole in one go, hissing silently due to the sudden burn in throat.

"Taehyung we are coming in a bit after meeting some people, you can stay here and drink or go to Jungkook." Taehyung nodded at Namjoon's words. Watching the couple getting dispersed in the crowd.

Light jazz was playing in the background, and Taehyung hummed savoring the taste of another glass of wine.

He don't drink because he is a lightweight, but he can handle 2 to 3 glasses of wine and still be sober enough to drive. But he can't handle whiskeys and rums, so whenever he want to drink that, he usually drinks them at home and sleep afterwards.

And since he has to drive today he is keeping two glasses of wine as his limit for today, finishing the last bit of bitter yet sweet liquid his eyes roamed in the crowded hallway, trying to find his husband.

"Hey sweetheart, would you like to have a drink with me?" A man with a chiseled face and trimmed beard asked Taehyung who turned towards him. Eyeing the newcomer, Taehyung sighed.

"Thanks but I drank enough." Taehyung politely denied and was about to walk away,

"è divertente come le troie come te giochino duramente per essere conquistate." The man muttered to himself as he drank from his glass.

[It is funny how sluts like you play hard to get.]

"Oh come on, orange juice wouldn't hurt." Taehyung clenched his jaw when the said man grabbed his hand. He turned around his lips morphed in a thin line as he glared at the said man,

"Anche se sono una troia, lo sono per mio marito e non per te, e prima di offrire da bere a qualcuno, sappi con chi stai parlando, perché se volessi ti ficcherei volentieri una pallottola in testa" Taehyung uttered before twisting his hand out of the grip from the stranger.

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