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It had been raining all day but now it seemed like it won't stop anytime soon. Jimin hurriedly walked on the empty streets heading somewhere. He wasn't carrying umbrella or a raincoat making his body soak in water. He shivered when cold sharp needles like rain drops harshly touched his skin. The streets were empty not even a single soul was out in such turbulent weather.

Jimin crossed his arms tightly hugging himself on attempt to keep himself warm. He found himself in the front of a familiar apartment he banged the door desperately having no patients.

When no one answered the door he banged it multiple times getting more desperate. He was still wet and cold waiting outside as cold beads of water droplets slipped down from his hairs and clothes. He glanced at the watch which wasn't working anymore. The time was stopped at 1AM.

He heard a groan from the other side "Who is it?" The faint lazy voice made him even more desperate and needy. "Just open the fucking door" Jimin gritted his teeth controlling himself from losing a bit tiny patience he was having.

He heard light footsteps approaching towards the door.


As soon as the door was halfway Jimin pushed the door open he rushed inside pushing the person against the wall besides and kicked the door close.

Without wasting any time he connected his lips to the male who was standing there against the wall dumbfounded. Jimin takes the male's lips between his teeth asking for entrance. The male hissed feeling the sting pain on his lower lip.

When Jimin noticed the male not kissing him back he pulled away as a wave of anger washing through his face. "Fucking kiss me back Jungkook" He demanded and again smashed his lips on Jungkook.

Jungkook was still processing the situation he was in but seeing how needy Jimin was he let him in. Jungkook kissed him back spinning him around and pushing him against the wall he was pinned a second ago.

Jungkook could taste Jimin's desperation how needy and impatient he was he ignored that the person whom he was kissing hungrily is soaked in water and probably shivering but if Jimin wants this he won't stop he will give it to him.

Jungkook's hands travelled down Jimin's waist and to his hips while he was exploring Jimin's mouth.

He tastes like butter..

Jungkook gripped Jimin's ass making Jimin moan between the kiss. Leaving his mouth Jungkook started giving wet kisses on his neck and jaw as if he was starving. "F-Fuck.. Uhmmmhh" Jimin moaned feeling Jungkook's teeth digging inside his skin.

Jungkook lifted Jimin holding his butt as Jimin wraps his legs around Jungkook's slim tiny waist his hands circling around Jungkook's neck. Jimin pulled the male's hair from behind uniting their lips again.

"Aahhumm" Jungkook groaned between the craving kiss they were sharing which wasn't passionate and loving it tasted needy and greedier as they continued kissing. They made their way towards the bedroom avoiding the constant barking of the dog who was in the living room.

Jungkook closes the door using his leg and locks it with a click using his one hand not leaving Jimin's mouth he gently places Jimin on the bed making sure they aren't separated from each other. Jimin lays on the bed beneath Jungkook.

Jimin had to come here in the middle of the night to distract himself. He was craving he wanted this, he needed this. He couldn't remember what was the reason why we wanted distraction because he is now under Jungkook who can make him forget every shitty thing that happened today. This is right he had started forgetting everything.

Jimin hates being here, he hates this house, he hates this room, he hates being under Jungkook in spite of everything he hates he is still here wanting to get fucked wanting to forget everything that happened before coming in here.

Jungkook on the other hand didn't care if he had a real bad and tiring day, he didn't care if he was tried and just wanted to sleep all night in fact he was sleeping before now. He couldn't resist this he is ready to fuck Jimin all night.

Jungkook pulls away kissing Jimin's neck and collar bone while his hands ran underneath Jimin tshirt. "Jung.. Jungkook" Jimin whimpers arching his back he sits up and grabs Jungkook by his shoulder and flipped him over pining him against the bed.

"Not now"

Jimin pulls himself away and knelt down in front of Jungkook he understands what Jimin wants and he man spreads from him.

Of course he wants to give a blowjob.

Jimin breathlessly pulls down Jungkook's pants and runs his soft cold hands on Jungkook's dick. "Uhmm" Jungkook moans.

Jimin bends down wrapping his lips around the tip and pushes himself ahead as Jungkook's length enters inside Jimin's mouth which reaches down to his throat. After adjusting to Jungkook's length he soon begins sucking making his head move back and forth. "J-J.. Jimin.. Don't stop..uhhm.." Jungkook pushes his head back feeling the pleasurable shivers through his body.

"F.. Faster" Jungkook growls needing more being desperate than ever. He grips Jimin's hairs while Jimin sucked faster and harder giving Jungkook wild shivers. "I-I am about.. To..." Jungkook manages to speak between his heavy groans.

"Ahhumm" Jungkook let's himself fall on the bed as soon as he comes into Jimin's mouth. Jimin coughs while swallowing the tick hot liquid. "Undress yourself" Jimin stands up commanding Jungkook and pulls out his shirt revealing his perfect physique.

Both of them undress themselves as Jimin lays on the bed spreading his leg wide. Jungkook places his hips between Jimin hovering over him. Jimin pushed Jungkook a bit shaking his head "Just put it inside" He orders.

Jungkook arches and eyebrow "Stop ordering me i will put it inside when I feel like" Before Jimin could protest any further Jungkook rans his tongue from Jimin's belly to his nipples sucking and biting it making Jimin moan his name "Jungko.. Jungkook"

Jungkook likes the dominant side of Jimin but today now he wasn't having it.

Jungkook bites and sucks Jimin's hard nipples leaving there a red mark Jimin grips Jungkook hairs pulling him up as their lips connect again "I'll put it inside now" Jungkook warns between the kiss before plucking himself away. He watches Jimin's body, his every single detail. His wet hairs dark tired eyes which were watching him back his plumpy red swollen lips trembling begging for warmth, his neck and chest painted by Jungkook's hickeys.

Jungkook's eyes travelled down to his abdomen and his waist where it had a deep scar he gulped and shoved two fingers into his mouth and then thrusting it inside Jimin's hole. "Ahhhmmm" Jimin bites his lips stopping himself from screaming.

Jungkook groans keeping steady speed as he thrusted Jimin using his fingers he reached his other hand under the pillow removing a packet of condom. Jimin's eyes fall on Jungkook wearing a condom while thrusting Jimin with fingers.

"Seriously?!.." Jimin throws his head back not believing Jungkook has condoms under the pillow. Jungkook rolls his eyes and pulls his fingers out. "Ready?" Jimin nods and flips himself over getting on knees Jungkook grabs his butt cheeks separating them.

Jimin gasps feeling Jungkook inside him. Jungkook grips Jimin's wet hairs making his body arch and starts thrusting "Wow" Jungkook thrusts leaning forward biting Jimin ear lob his hands rubbing Jimin's scar.

"Stop touching that part" Jimin growls. Jungkook jerked his hands away thinking he might have made him uncomfortable.

"D-deeper" Jimin whimpers. Jungkook nods gritting his teeth while he thrusts deeper. "Aahughh.. R-Right there" Jimin rasped. "There?!" Jungkook teased going deeper and faster his waist slamming Jimin's butt repeatedly.

"Yes!, right there"

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