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Jimin turned on the faucet staring at himself on the mirror. It's been a week since since he found out that his mother left him with a random man who she loves.

It was hard for him to accept that he was abandoned his mom never loved him if she did she wouldn't have left him behind and now he has no one to lean on he is completely alone.

He kept staring at himself with dead eyes his reflection mocking his pathetic self he didn't go to school or work nor answered any of the calls and text he received. His friends even visited him but he never opened the door for them he stayed at home and started at the ceiling all day.

A child must be a liar if they say they don't love their parents no matter how they the child will love them and Jimin was the same. This whole time he told himself that whatever happened was for the best he wanted his mother to disappear he hated her now he was free he can earn and study for himself but there was still a part that was dark and empty. He loves his mother.

He splashes the water on his face. Now that his mother left he has to pull himself together he needs to survive he needs to wake up he can't be sleeping all day he still has bills to pay and study he can't be crying like a little baby because his mother left. He is not a child anymore he can survive he has been doing that all this time his mother was never there.

Jimin walked inside the hallway. He eyes glued to the ground the hallway was noisy than usual but why was it bothering him so much it never did before why today? He looked up everyone who were laughing and giggling with each other. Jimin couldn't help but wonder what they are so happy about.

A warm arm wrapped around his shoulder gaining his attention he looked at the person beside him "Yahh! Jimin-ahh where were you?! You didn't answered any—"
"I was busy" Jimin said in a faint voice and removed his hand off himself. He wanted to be left alone he wasn't in a mood to talk because at the end no one understood him.

The brown haired boy was taken aback by Jimin's action he always answers the phone and if he doesn't he always texts and all of the above he never stops him for touching or hugging but now he was different it was like he was totally a different person after disappearing for a week.

Taehyung doesn't know what's wrong with the boy something is definitely off he is a cheerful guy his aura can make people feel warm but seeing him the opposite today made him sad. What would have happened that made a happy joyful person into someone who is suddenly...emotionless?

Jimin was hiding his face with the hood so the boy couldn't make out what's wrong with the other "Jimin-ahh his everything okay? Are you—"
"Taehyung i am getting late" Jimin quickly walked away from Taehyung leaving him there alone and disappointed.

Jimin walked inside the class ignoring everyone who said hello to him he is not a popular boy but has a group of people who are close to him. After talking to Taehyung at the hallway he thought he would feel guilty for pushing him away but he wasn't felling anything. Nothing.

"Jimine where were you I was so worried you didn't—"
"Yejin can we talk during the lunch break?" Jimin stared at the bench not looking at his girlfriend who looked at Jimin with worried eyes.
Why can't he talk now?

She nodded and placed her hand on his shoulder "Yeah we can but you need to—"
"Okay" Jimin removed her hand from him as he kept his eyes on the bench.

Yejin felt tears in her eyes he never behaves like this she looked back to Taehyung who shrugged not knowing the reason for the sudden change in the boy's behavior "I will talk to him later" Taehyung mouthed signaling Yejin to leave him alone for a moment.

Soon the lunch break kicks in and Jimin walked out if the class towards the back of the school building. During the lunch the student hurry towards cafeteria as unleashed animals. It's hectic and crowed. He texts Yejin to meet him at the back of the school building it was the only place where there were no kids around.

Yejin stands in front of him waiting for what he wants to say she really had a bad feeling about it she knew something was not right but she tried to keep the negative thoughts away.

"We should break up"

As soon as those words left his mouth the world around her crushed down to her. Tears started rolling down her eyes. "What?!.. Y-you are kidding right?!" She walked to he holding his shoulder as she was finding hard to stay on her feet hoping that whatever Jimin was saying was a stupid little joke.

"Let's break up" Jimin's dead eyes stared in to hers he was expression less the crying girl in front of him didn't affect him. She shook her head wrapping her arms around him so he won't disappear and leave her alone "J-Jimin pl.. Please.. Wh-what did I do?.." She cried on his chest still hoping that he would take his words back but Jimin gently pushed her away wiping the tears with his thumb.

He is still having a dead face he wasn't sad he felt nothing "It's time we should part our ways. You did nothing wrong. It's me I am the problem. You deserve better you deserve someone who loves you the way you do and I am not that person"

He helds her hands and placed a small paper duck on her palms "Iam sorry" He turns around taking his steps away from her. It's the same paper duck she made for him when they started dating she said she makes paper sucks and gives them to those who made her feel safe and happy and so far she had only given to her parents and him. Jimin gave it to her as it belonged to her he didn't deserved it.

He had to break up with her. He doesn't has rights to hold on to her when he is fucking a different person whole Yejin is the best girlfriend anyone can ask for
She deserves someone better.

He pulls his hood above his head making his way to the restroom he wanted to be alone a place where no one can bother him if he goes back to class or cafeteria Taehyung will try talking him and he is not in a mood to talk to anyone right now.

Luck was not on his side as soon as he walked in there was already a person who annoys him more than anyone "Hey there.." Jungkook waved at him. Jungkook puffs out smoke as he scanned Jimin from top to bottom.

Jimin still walked in eyeing the raven haired. Jungkook scoffs bringing the stick between his lips he took a puff and seeing the smoke disappearing in front of him. Jimin sits on the space between two wash basins "Do you know you can be suspended for smoking under the school premises" Jimin crosses his legs and kept watching Jungkook.

It was just a normal sentence but Jungkook knew the meaning behind it he knew exactly what Jimin wanted in that moment. Jimin takes the smoking stick which was between Jungkook's lips and puts it between his own.

Jungkook raises an eye brow as a smirk plastered on his face watching the small figure in front of him taking a puff.

"Do you know we both can get suspended for fucking under the school premises"

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