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Jimin entered the flower shop and waved at the familiar figure who was on the cash counter. He drove here after leaving Yumi with the therapist he insisted on staying there with his little girl but Yumi didn't want him to be there and even the therapist was siding with her saying 'he should respect her space' so he had to accept his defeat.

"Morning" The male greeted him with a wide smile but it soon faded when he saw Jimin closely "You cried?"

Jimin instantly tries to hide his face when the male noticed the light puffy eyes. He wanted to hide but it  was too obvious to hide now "Maybe.." Jimin says wearing his apron. He is the owner of the flower shop called "Blooming smiles" And Taehyung works with him here.

"You cried because of him" Taehyung says walking towards Jimin who tries to hide himself not wanting to show Taehyung he was still a bit unhappy.

"I swear to God I will kick Jeon's ass when he returns. I will make sure that motherfuck—"
"OKAY TAE" Jimin cuts Taehyung in the middle of his rants "It feels weird when you curse" Jimin rolls his eyes and places the open sign outside ready to start his day.

He tries to distract Taehyung from talking about Jungkook even if it's been years his hearts still aches. Thinking about him or talking about him still makes him sob. It's been hard and still is.

"I am serious Jimin, just wait until he is back and I will surely make him suffer" Taehyung sighs.

Taehyung hates seeing Jimin like this as his friend it hurts him to see his other suffer. Jimin doesn't talk about himself much he laughs less he spent time with friends less he talks less he only talks about Yumi and nothing. He just lives. He is just living because he has to.

"We don't know if he is ever gonna come back" Jimin mumbled thinking the other didn't heard but Taehyung frowned hearing his words clearly.

Taehyung turns around going back to arrange the flowers properly before the customer starts coming while Jimin walks out of the store wanting to feel some air.

Taehyung tried to convince Jimin to go on dates to be with someone who can be with him physically, be the person Jimin really wants but Jimin never listens he says he is fine alone but Taehyung knows better.

Jimin shoved his hands inside his pockets as a shiver ran down his spine because of the cold wind hitting his face. "I will be waiting" Jimin says to himself watching the pretty clear sky, sun shining bright he looked around people walk by someone talking on the phone, some are laughing and giggling with their friends someone who is in love, children running around. Jimin smiles "It must be a good day"


"I am leaving" Jimin announces packing his stuff. Taehyung glances at the watching while making a bouquet for a customer "Wait, why? It's not even 6 yet" Taehyung asks lifting his head up.

"Uhh i am meeting up with Hoseok. Yumi texted she'll spend the night with her friends. So, don't close the shop until 8" Taehyung groans he wanted to leave early too.

"Why can't I leave early too. I want to meet Hoseok" He asks in a cute voice so that Jimin can allow him to leave early "Nah who will take care of the shop then? Meet Hoseok some other day" Jimin rolls his eyes walking towards the exit "Bye"

Jimin enters the dance studio and sees Hoseok is still not free there are students who are still rehearsing the steps and he is helping them. As soon as Jimin walks in Hoseok glances at him and smiles asking him to wait for a little bit more Jimin nods seeing the kids dancing.

He was reminded of his old times when he used to dance to take out his emotions. How much he wanted to let his body move with the beat playing at the background how much he wanted to let his feet take control of his body but he didn't he held himself back observing the kids giggle when they miss the steps.

He wanted to have a career in dancing he worked so hard into getting in the university by dancing but he gave that up a long time ago. He had too many emotions attached to it.

"Okay guys! Wrap up" Hoseok announces clapping his hands and leaves the kids alone walking towards Jimin. "Yahh Jimin-ahh sorry to tell you this now but i have a date"

"Nooo.. You can't do this to me I left poor Taehyung at the shop" Jimin whines pushing Hoseok's hands away from his shoulder. "I am sorry i will make it up to you guys promise"

Hoseok jumps in front of Jimin making cute puppy eyes so Jimin doesn't get mad "Fine but tell him that i hate him" Jimin crosses his arms walking towards his car.

"I don't understand why you still hate him. Okay, I know he was an asshole to Taehyung but--"

"I have my reasons" Jimin blurted out accepting he hates Hoseok's boyfriend. "Oh come on you haven't talked to him since like high school he has changed he isn't a fuck boy anymore"

Jimin rolls his eyes "Whatever. It's Yoongi we are talking about you can't force me to like him" Jimin climbs inside the car Hoseok does the same taking the passengers seat.

"Taehyung is cool about it I don't get why you are.. Ohh.. You know what lets talk about something else while you drop me home so that I can get ready for my date" Hoseok beams not wanting to spoil the mood because of the subject they are arguing about.


Jimin is done watching another movie and he still isn't able to sleep. He has been trying to sleep but couldn't so he decided to watch boring movies so that he can feel sleepy but that was of no use he even tried to read books he had already read and that wasn't boring either.

Eventually if people read books they have already read more than three times it gets boring but for him no matter how many times he reads the book it's always the same. He sighs turning the TV off after watching the third movie in a row.

He lazily walks to the kitchen searching for the food even though he is not hungry he goes to Yumi's room but comes out when there is nothing interesting he finally walks inside his room opening the closet and glances at the familiar pink box.

He shakes his head "Nope I am not opening that again" He leaves the closet open and walks to the balcony taking out is cigarette. He lights it up and holds it between his lips as he inhales the toxic air.

After the day he started self harming he couldn't let go of his smoking habit no one knows about it Yumi sometimes gets suspicious but Jimin knows how to make excuses.

He turns around and sees the pink box peaking from the closet and he takes another puff he runs his fingers through his hair fighting with himself. He suddenly remembers the night of that party that day was the worse he remembers how his life turned even more miserable after that night.

7 years earlier
At the night of the party~~

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