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"Come out Jimin"

Jimin sighs knowing the familiar voice calling him but he decides to keep quiet thinking the person will go away.

"Hyung! I know you are in there just come out" Jungkook banged the door again.

Jimin shook his head "Go away Jungkook" Jimin said calmly hoping that Jungkook would leave him alone. He is the last person Jimin wants to talk with hell, he doesn't even know what to talk about.

"No" Jungkook hissed from the other side of the door and Jimin knew he was starting to get mad. "Why did you follow me here? your friends will get suspicious"

Jimin tried to make a point so that Jungkook leaves but the younger didn't care about anything he just wanted to talk to Jimin. So Jungkook knocked the door lightly this time thinking maybe Jimin would come out if he tried to control his anger.

Again, Jimin doesn't know why would Jungkook wanted to talk. They are currently not in good terms he couldn't help but think what would Jungkook want. If it's about the scene that happened in the cafeteria Jungkook would have done something then and there because Jungkook is the type of person who acts first and speaks later. So following Jimin to the restroom means only one thing right?

He bites his lips thinking if he should say the words forming inside his mind because the last time that sentence left his mouth it didn't end up well.

"Jungkook"  Jimin still does not open the door "Do you... -

- want to fuck?" Jimin squeezed his eyes hoping that Jungkook wouldn't get mad like last time.

"What the hell Hyung!" Jungkook yelled from the other side of the door sounding mad and disappointed.

"What the hell is wrong with you can't I just have a normal conversation with you without you mentioning 'fuck'?!" Jungkook tries his best to sound calm but this situation is not helping him.

"Then why can't you leave me alone?! Why do you have to always follow me around if you don't want to fuck?" Jimin yells back by rubbing his temples. He losing every bit if his sanity everything just keeps fucking up and now he doesn't have the energy to fight with Jungkook.

"Can't we just be friends?"

Jungkook says softly placing his hand on the door he hates this he hates arguing with Jimin "Even that night I just wanted to hungout with you normally without us fucking because i-i didn't wanted to go home" His voice cracked.

Those words stabbed Jimin in the heart he didn't want to hear those words he hates the word 'friends' he hates that he is not able to give Jungkook hints he hates that after everything Jungkook still wants to be friends.

Why does it have to be so hard?

He is melting again and he hates it.

"Why me?" His voice softens when he realizes Jungkook is calm now.

"You have so many friends. Hah. The whole fucking school is friends with you so why me?" Jimin tries his best not to break down he is trying his best to hold himself back to push Jungkook away. He knows pushing Jungkook away will hurt more but being friends with Jungkook is hurting him more.

He hears Jungkook scoff from the other side "Because for the whole school I am that popular guy who everyone sees with lustful eyes, I'm nothing to them" Jungkook paused for a second before opening his mouth again "But i am just Jungkook when I am around you, Yoongi hyung, Namjoon Hyung and Jin Hyung you guys don't see me with those eyes"

Because I'm in love with you..

Jimin caught his bottom lip between his teeth again stopping himself from crying.

"And guess what I like being me I don't have to pretend to be someone I don't like to be" Jimin feels guilty it was the first time Jungkook opened up and said he liked being around Jimin like a 'friend'. He is falling for Jungkook's words again he can't hold himself back he can't push Jungkook away.

"I'm sorry"

Both of them said at the same time and Jimin chuckled softly "Why are you sorry?" He asked. "For treating you like shit that day" Jungkook says feeling guilty for behaving like a jerk to at the party.

Jimin shook his head "It was my fault I shouldn't have said those things to you.. That day" Jimin refers to the night that he fought.

"Jungkook you should go" Jimin says fidgeting with his sleeves still locked inside the stall.

"Will you come out now? please" He hears Jungkook's pleasing voice He knows Jungkook will not leave until he gets what he wants, Jimin thinks for a while. Was he going to just give up? Was he going to just keep hurting himself? Is it so hard to push Jungkook away?

He can't go back now.

With a light click the door opens and Jimin reveals himself. Jungkook watched him come out with head hung low probably hiding his teary eyes his pure white hoodie was painted with hot chocolate and ketchup his hairs were messy and few fries were still tangled with his hair.

"I should just kill that piece of shit" Jungkook clenched his fist in annoyance and walked closer to Jimin who watches Jungkook stepping closer and lift his head up to meet Jungkook's chocolate eyes.

Jungkook lifted his fingers and plucked out the fries from Jimin's hair and ruffled it. Jimin gulps when he feels Jungkook's fingers between his hairs his heart raced making him afraid that the other might hear it. Jimin's eyes travelled down to see the raven's soft pink kissable lips. Jimin licked his bottom lip trying to control himself.

"You should have punched him when he pushed you" Jungkook sighs taking his fingers back. Jimin blinked multiple times coming back to reality. He mentally cursed himself for staring just a minute ago he wanted to push Jungkook away and never wanted to see him and now he is back again to his original self drooling over the boy.

Jimin shook his thoughts away and saw Jungkook picking his backpack from the floor and took out a blue sweatshirt "Change into this and before you reject let me tell you I have been wearing my basketball jersey the whole day so no one will know you are wearing my sweatshirt"

Jimin bites his lower lips and accepts the sweatshirt "T-Thank you" He turned around and was about to go back to the stall he just came out from but stopped when Jungkook called him "Hyung, umm.. Will you come to the match tonight?"

Jimin stood in his place and didn't look back at the boy. His mind is yelling at him to say no but his heart wants the opposite, his mind says to stay away, to keep distance but his heart is a stubborn piece of shit.

He knows if he says no Jungkook will try to convince him. He always does. He knows he will end up saying yes but he keeps having the same battle with himself only to lose again and again.

"I can't Jungkook, I umm have work and then practice" He is not lying  he really had work and practice after school but at least he can use this as an excuse.

"Please just for one day if you want you can bring Hoseok and the cute one.. What was his name?"


"Yeah him"

Jimin sighs not knowing why was Jungkook so obsessed with inviting Jimin to his boxing match even when he knows Jimin hates that "Why do you keep inviting me when you know I will decline" Jimin finally turns around facing Jungkook and to see him smiling proudly.

"I wanna show you how strong I am"

"I know how strong you are"

"But i want you to see it, please"


He lost again.

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