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Jimin sighs in relief when the view of his house was getting closer he  hugged himself attempting to cover his torse where there was a torn tee hanging.

He tried calling Taehyung before leaving thinking it's better if he informed his friends that he was leaving but his friend didn't pick any of his calls and that was odd because Taehyung is the kind of person who always picks up the calls no matter what the situation is but he brushed his thoughts  thinking maybe the boy was busy enjoying so he called Hoseok saying he will be heading home because he was tired he even promised he will call if he needs them so Hoseok didn't ask any further questions.

Jimin goes through his pocket to find keys he can finally sleep now he was hungry but he ignored that because sleep was more important for him it's the best way to avoid problems he decided not to think about Jungkook now knowing he will end up crying again and he was tired of pouring tears for past few days. He was exhausted because of crying.

"Well hello there, little brother"

A certain familiar voice made Jimin freeze, his heart stopped beating for a second as he forgot how to breathe all of a sudden his tiredness drained away the only thing his mind kept chanting in his mind was to run as far as he could without looking back.

"I see you are coming home now, judging by your outfit it tells me that you were partying"  Jimin hesitantingly turned around looking at the person who was standing a few steps away from him.

The male's hair was longer his body was bigger than Jimin's he was wearing all Balck clothes with a red cap covering his face but Jimin knew who he was Jimin knows the monster in front of him. He is none other than his brother. His half brother.

He gulped feeling the male's eyes on him. He kept his arms wrapped around himself not liking the way that guy was staring at his torso.

"H-Hyung" Jimin voices gulping thickly. "W-what are you doing here?" Jimin manages to question ignoring his racing heart his hands were trembling beads of sweats forming on his forehead because of fear.

"Huh? Are you not happy to see me after years?" The man asked taking steps closer to Jimin who instantly takes a step back in fear "No- i am-its—"

"Won't you invite me in?"

Jimin was cut off in the middle of his stuttering he licks his chapped lips debating whether if he should let him in or not but there was no point in debating because he didn't have an option he had to let him in he can't fight with this person.

He won't be here for long. Don't worry.

Jimin nods assuring himself that he won't have to face this person for long he will leave soon. "Sorry i— come in" Jimin turns around shoving the keys into the tiny hole and unlocking the door with his trembling hands.

The man walks in after Jimin who rushed inside running to his room and putting on a proper tshirt that was just laying on his bed and then running back to the living room. His Hyung looked around the house as if he was here after a very long time. Jimin watches the man questioning himself why this person was here, his life is already a mess and he doesn't want to add more to it.

He was fighting his thoughts trying to calm himself down as the other's eyes falls on Jimin who immediately looks down not having the courage to look into the man's eyes. He felt so small, so scared as if the walls around him were closing squeezing him. He felt claustrophobic. He noticed his brother continues to look at him and he knows his brother was enjoying seeing how terrified Jimin looked.

"Wahh!.. This place hasn't changed a bit" The man walks over to Jimin and places his hand on his shoulder giving Jimin shivers he chews his bottom lips controlling his trembling body. He was scared as hell. He really wanted someone to rescue him. All the time he was with his brother his mother was with him so at least he knew he won't die but now with her absence he wasn't sure what will happen to him.

"Why do you look so scared Jiminie?" The man says as a smirk spreads across his lips he was enjoying the view in front of him, how he felt satisfied seeing his younger brother scared.

"No- do.. Do you want anything? Uhmm.. Coffee?" Jimin offered even though he just wanted to kick this man out and never let him in but he couldn't do anything just stand there with his scared self.

"Nahh. Where is mom by the way?"

Jimin's heart dropped as soon as he heard "mom" The person who abandoned him for someone who she claims loved her. Jimin didn't want to talk about her. After days he had accepted that he was on his own from the start and could handle himself without having his mom around well she wasn't around anyways. It took him days to stop crying over her but it still hurts him whenever he thinks about her.

Jimin goes to the kitchen drawer and pulls out the same letter which his mom left for him and handed it to his brother. Dohyun, his brother takes the letter eyes still fixed on the smaller questioning with his expression that why he was giving him a piece of paper instead of talking.

Dohyun reads the letter as Jimin silently watches him hoping he would leave him alone after realizing that his mom is not here anymore. He assumed the reason he is here is because he might have wanted to see his mom after so many years but now that his mom isn't here he doesn't need to be here for long right?

"Hmm" Dohyun tosses the letter aside and Jimin immediately picks it up shoving it inside his pocket he didn't want to lose the last thing his mother left for him even if he hates it he doesn't want to just throw it away.

"That woman was never a mother to anyone of us" Dohyun scoff shaking his head. At least both brothers had something in common they never got the love of a mother in spite of having a mother.

"So you have been living alone all this time?" Dohyun asks. Jimin nods in response "Hmm that means you don't have someone to take care of you. You are still a kid. A spoiled one." Daehyun smirks standing in his place.

"Are you seeing someone cuz' you just came home looking fucked"

"No- that's not--


Dohyun rolls his eyes spreading his legs all over the coffee table as if he is the owner of the house.

"I will stay with you starting today"


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