𝐱𝐢𝐢. 𝐇𝐮𝐦𝐚𝐧𝐢𝐭𝐲

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| Teton County

October 10, 04:23 MDT

T.O. Morrow and Brom Stikk work on the androids Red Torpedo, and Red Inferno in their laboratory.

"When the prodigal son returned, his father saw him and had compassion, and ran and embraced him. For this, his son was lost and is found. You are the prodigal son, Tornado, and I rejoice at your return and thank you for making our little family reunion possible. Now, you must have many questions. No? Oh! How could I forget? Your voice box is offline. But your eyes and ears still function perfectly as does the prodigious mind I built for you all those years ago. And really, what else matters?" T.O. Morrow speaks to Tornado, turning away from him, leaving a torn-apart Tornado on an operating table.


| Mount Justice

October 10, 16:58 EDT

"Pineapple juice?" Captain Marvel offers to the injured speedster, who gladly takes the drink.

The speedster sips it, sighing in contentment. "Just what the doctor ordered," he says in delight.

"How's the arm doing, Wally?" The Leaguer asks, looking at the cast on the redhead's arm.

"Well, nothing wrong nachos can't cure," the boy responds, reclining in his chair beside Wolf.

"Nachos? Oh! I'll go get you some," the hero responds, flying away to find the savory snack.

Robin lands on the ground harshly by Artemis. Aqualad and Miss Martian spar with each other, and Superboy and Silk engage in battle.

"In fact, it's been a very productive week," Black Canary states with a smile, proud of the young heroes excelling in their combat skills.

"Yeah, for everyone except Kid Malingerer," Artemis remarks with a grin, mocking his injury.

"Hey, arm broken in combat against the Injustice League here," Wally replies, waving his casted arm toward the Team.

Black Canary chuckles in response. "I've really enjoyed being your, uh, den mother this week," the blonde woman tells the Team with a smile.

"Recognized. Zatara, 1-1."

Next, the magician types on a hologram, letting another person into the Cave.

"Access granted. Zatanna Zatara. A-03. Authorization, Zatara, 1-1," the robotic voice announces.

A teenage girl with mid-length black hair and cyan-colored eyes enters Mount Justice through a Zeta-Tube. Cindy figures it's Zatara's daughter since he gave her access to enter the Cave.

"Zatanna, this is the Team," Zatara introduces the girl to the protégés.

"Team, my daughter, Zatanna," Zatara states.

"Hi, I'm Miss Martian! It's so nice to meet you!" The Martian says with a polite smile.

"This is Silk, Robin, Artemis, Aqualad, Superboy, Wolf, and Kid Flash," M'gann continues introducing the young girl to the rest of the heroes.

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