𝐱𝐢. 𝐓𝐫𝐮𝐞 𝐂𝐨𝐥𝐨𝐫𝐬

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| Blüdhaven

April 8, 09:02 EDT

"The question isn't whether our world's finest are the galaxy's most wanted. It's not whether they've been using secret, undercover covert operatives against targets of their choosing. No, it's not even whether these interstellar hoodlums have their Watchtower in orbit over our planet! No, old G. Gordon proved all that a week ago, didn't he? So the question is this. How long are you going to stand for this and do nothing to check these lawless heroes? Well, I'll just wait here for you to make up your minds. Take your time. If you're not in a hurry why should I be? Meanwhile, Earth's true benefactors, 'The Reach' have been working openly and without fanfare for the betterment of all mankind. Exhibit A, 'LexCorp Farms' where 'The Reach' has partnered with noted philanthropist, Lex Luthor to increase food production. 'LexCorp' and 'The Reach' are even allowing public tours. Just openness and an end to world hunger. Now, why didn't the Justice League think of that?" Gordon Godfrey questions.

"Any partnership between 'The Reach' and Lex Luthor is bad news. So Alpha Squad is going undercover to recon LexCorp Farms. Robin, you'll be running Alpha," Nightwing announces.

"Me? Run Alpha?" Robin asks in disbelief.

"You'll do great, Robin," Silk tells him, placing a comforting hand on his shoulder, causing the boy to smile.

"Uh, right. Who's on the squad?" Robin inquires.

"Blue Beetle--"

"Whoa, whoa, whoa. I should not be in the field, ese. What if the scarab goes all Reach Apocalypse on us?" Blue refuses, thinking the worst.

"Your scarab has had multiple opportunities to betray us. It hasn't. And right now, its connection to 'The Reach' may be our best shot at identifying what they're up to," Nightwing responds, placing a comforting hand on Blue's shoulder.

Impulse runs and stand in front of Blue, pointing at himself. "Well, if Blue's goin', I'm goin'," Impulse states.

"I assumed as much," Nightwing replies with a smile.

"And last but not least, Arsenal. But you'll have to travel lighter for your first mission. Nothing that won't fit under civilian clothes," Nightwing tells the guy, as he walks out of the shadows with an unamused look.

"Any questions?" Nightwing asks.

"Just one. Why are we meeting in this dump?" Arsenal rudely remarks, causing Silk to narrow her eyes at him.

"With the Cave and the Hall of Justice destroyed we don't have many other options," Silk responds.

"Except the Watchtower. It's national news now. You can't pretend it doesn't exist," Arsenal argues.

"Only Justice Leaguers and senior members of the team are authorized for the Watchtower. You don't qualify," Nightwing adds, narrowing his eyes at Arsenal.

"Good to know where we stand," Arsenal comments, narrowing his eyes at Nightwing in return.


| Smallville

April 9, 00:43 CDT

"Thanks for the use of your barn, Mr. Kent. Until we check out this Green Beetle we can't afford to bring him to our H.Q. Lost too many of those already," Nightwing says gratefully.

"Well, he's not the oddest thing we've had in this barn. And I'll take any excuse to see one of my boys," Mr. Kent says with a smile.

"My name is B'aarz O'oomm, and obviously, I am of Mars," Green starts.

"Obviously, but it's the beetle thing that's got us wondering. How are you connected to 'The Reach?" Robin asks.

"I imagine my story is not dissimilar to yours," Green states, turning toward Blue.

"On Mars, I am what you would call an archaeologist. Two of your Earth years ago I stumbled upon a scarab which attached itself to my person," Green starts.

"Yeah. That last part sounds familiar," Blue states.

"From the scarab, I learned of 'The Reach' and their plan for the galaxy. Millennia ago, they sent out one scarab to every planet sporting primitive life. The scarab bonds with, and takes full control over its native host giving 'The Reach' an advanced operative for their inevitable invasion," Green says, causing Blue and I to glance at each other for a moment.

"But my scarab malfunctioned and didn't take full control. That's why 'The Reach' wants to reboot it by killing me," Blue tells Green.

"So, did your scarab malfunction, too?" Arsenal inquires.

"No, but it was not prepared for the Martian physiology which allowed me to take control of the scarab instead of the other way around," Green Beetle explains.

"Still doesn't explain how you wound up here," Silk mentions, crossing both arms over her chest.

"For decades, the one you call Martian Manhunter has sent communications from your world to ours. Television signals. They are quite entertaining," Green informs us with a smile.

"All Martians love television," Robin states with a grin.

"Indeed. But when it became clear that 'the Reach' was on Earth I believed my assistance here would be required," Green clarifies.

"The Justice League will need to confirm your story," Nightwing starts.

"But for now, thanks," Robin says gratefully toward Green.

"So, other than our new friend here..." Nightwing starts.

"How did the mission go?" Silk wonders.

"Not quite as planned. Arsenal... I-Is a little rough around the edges. But I guess it all worked out. And we brought back a sample of the alien additive for analysis," Robin informs the duo, handing the sample to Nightwing.

"Can't ask for more. Good work," Nightwing tells Robin with a smile.

"Awesome job, Robin," Silk says to the boy, the praises from the two heroes causing him to smile.


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